Ms.abbot went on a road trip. The trip was 792 miles and the average price of gasoline was $1.30 per gallon. What information is needed to to find the amount spent on gasoline for the trip?

A. Number of hours the trip took
B. Number of miles per hour the car traveled
C. Average number of miles the car traveled per gallon of gasoline.
D. Average number of miles Ms.abbot drove per day.

How would I show my work?

Which of those choices answers the question?

To find the amount spent on gasoline for the trip, you would need to know the average number of miles the car traveled per gallon of gasoline (option C).

To show your work, you would use the following calculation:

Amount spent on gasoline = Total trip distance / Average miles per gallon * Price per gallon

In this case, the total trip distance is 792 miles, and the price per gallon is $1.30. So, if you have the average miles per gallon, you can substitute it into the equation to find the amount spent on gasoline for the trip.