I do I figure out which bond is longest

a. C-F
b. C-N
c. Si-Se
d. C≡N
e. Si-Br

The answer is c. but I don't understand??? Please answer quick. Thanks.

Long bonds mean weak bonds, which occur between elements very close in the Periodic table.

wait how is Si and Se closer to each other than C-N, they are right next to each other, and what about with double and triple bonds? Thanks.

To determine which bond is the longest among the given options, you need to compare the bond lengths of the different types of bonds. Generally, bond length increases as you move down the periodic table and decreases as you move across a period.

In this case, you have the following options:

a. C-F: Carbon and fluorine are both on the same period (Period 2) and are located towards the right side of the periodic table. The bond length between them is relatively short.

b. C-N: Carbon and nitrogen are also on the same period (Period 2) but are located more towards the left side of the periodic table compared to C-F. Therefore, the bond length is slightly longer than C-F.

c. Si-Se: Silicon and selenium are located on different periods (Silicon: Period 3, Selenium: Period 4) and are farther down the periodic table compared to carbon. Consequently, the bond length between them is longer than C-N.

d. C≡N: Carbon and nitrogen are again on the same period but now they are connected by a triple bond. Triple bonds are generally shorter than double or single bonds, so the bond length between carbon and nitrogen is shorter than C-N.

e. Si-Br: Silicon and bromine are located on different periods (Silicon: Period 3, Bromine: Period 4) but are more towards the right side of the periodic table compared to silicon and selenium. Therefore, the bond length between them is shorter than Si-Se.

Given this analysis, we can conclude that the Si-Se bond is the longest among the provided options.