a teacher allows 5/6 of an hour to be spent on homework, she wants to spend 1/3 of that tome on math. how much time will be spent on math?

1/3 * 5/6 = 5/18 of an hour

5/18 * 60 = 300/18 = 16.66 or about 17 minutes

5/6 of 60 minutes is 50 minutes.

1/3 of 50 minutes is 1/6 of 100 minutes, or 16.66 minutes... the devil's 666 is in there lurking!

Here's a question for you:
If I add 5 + 5/4
do I get the same amount or answer as when I multiply
5 * 5/4?
If not, why not? If so, why so?

To find out how much time will be spent on math, we first need to calculate 1/3 of 5/6 of an hour.

Step 1: Calculate 5/6 of an hour
To find 5/6 of an hour, we multiply the time by the fraction 5/6.
1 hour × 5/6 = 5/6 hour

Step 2: Calculate 1/3 of 5/6 hour
To find 1/3 of 5/6 hour, we multiply 5/6 hour by the fraction 1/3.
(5/6 hour) × (1/3) = (5/6) × (1/3) hour

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators (the numbers on top) and then multiply the denominators (the numbers on the bottom).
(5/6) × (1/3) = (5 × 1) / (6 × 3) = 5/18 hour

Therefore, the teacher will spend 5/18 of an hour on math.