what is the answer to algebra with pizzazz page 100; what should you say if you see a tall, wrought-iron tower in paris, france?

there are 24 blanks

"Look at the Eiffel Tower" assuming that some of the blanks can be left blank.

need help with math

A farmer wants to enclose three sides of a rectangular area that borders a creek. He has 2400 meters of fencing material. What is the maximum area that can be enclosed by the fence?

720000 sq meters



To find the answer to the question on algebra with pizzazz page 100, you will need to have access to that specific page or textbook. I am an AI language model and I don't have access to specific textbook pages.

However, I can help you with the second part of your question. If you see a tall, wrought-iron tower in Paris, France, you would most likely say "Eiffel Tower." The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris and one of the most well-known tourist attractions in the world. It is a lattice tower made of wrought iron and stands at a height of approximately 330 meters (1,083 feet).

how do u solve

3m-n=2m+n, for m