Select the letter of the choice that correctly identifies the underlined phrase in the sentence.

1. The 17th century Pilgrims were the first Europeans (to arrive on Cape Cod.)

A. infinitive phrase
B. absolute phrase
C. prepositional phrase
D. appositive phrase

I think it's A.

2. (Leaving their native land to colonize America,) they expected to land in the colony of Virginia.

A. participial phrase
B. gerund phrase
C. infinitive phrase
D. prepositional phrase

I think it's B?

3. (Steering a northerly course,) the captain sailed the ship to the rocky coast of New England instead.

A. appositive phrase
B. participial phrase
C. gerund phrase
D. infinitive phrase

I think it's C?

The first one is correct, but the other two are incorrect.

Is # 2, C?

Is #3, B?

Also these two:

4. (Landing in New England) caused much disappointment among the Pilgrims.

A. infinitive phrase
B. gerund phrase
C. prepositional phrase
D. appositive phrase

I think it's B?

5. Today, homes (on Cape Cod) still display this famous "weathered" look.

A. prepositional phrase
B. appositive phrase
C. participial phrase
D. gerund phrase

I think it's A?

Re your first set of sentences:

1 is A (verb form starting with "to")

2 is A (verb form ending in -ing and whole phrase is MODIFYING a noun -- in this case the subject)

3 is B (same explanation as above)

present participles = verb forms ending in -ing
past participles = verb forms ending in -ed or whatever the past tense form is
Participial phrases are adjectives and modify nouns or pronouns.

gerunds = verb forms ending in -ing; these words or phrases act as NOUNS in a sentence [This is why #4 is correct. Ask yourself, "WHAT caused much disappointment...?"

Okay thanks! I understand now.


1. The correct answer is C. prepositional phrase. To determine this, we need to identify the underlined phrase in the sentence, which is "to arrive on Cape Cod." This phrase begins with the preposition "to" and acts as an adverb, providing additional information about the verb "were." Therefore, it is a prepositional phrase.

2. The correct answer is A. participial phrase. To identify the underlined phrase in the sentence, which is "Leaving their native land to colonize America," we need to recognize that it modifies the subject "they." This phrase starts with the present participle "Leaving" and acts as an adjective, providing additional information about the subject. Therefore, it is a participial phrase.

3. The correct answer is B. participial phrase. To identify the underlined phrase in the sentence, which is "Steering a northerly course," we need to recognize that it modifies the subject "the captain." This phrase begins with the present participle "Steering" and acts as an adjective, providing additional information about the subject. Therefore, it is a participial phrase.