true or false..

1) A mature pine tree produces either male or female cones (F)
2) Virtually all of our food is derived, directly or indirectly from flowering plants. (T)
3) In vegetative reproduction, new plants may be generated from stems or roots. (F)

thank you ..

1) False: To verify if a mature pine tree produces either male or female cones, we can consult reliable sources such as botanical books, research papers, or reputable websites that provide information about pine trees. For example, we can search for information about pine tree reproduction on reputable botanical websites or consult books dedicated to the study of trees. This way, we can find accurate information about the reproductive structures of mature pine trees.

2) True: To confirm whether virtually all of our food is derived, directly or indirectly, from flowering plants, we can gather information from various sources. One approach is to consult agricultural and horticultural research studies, books, or websites that deal with the origins and production of food. These sources can provide information on the origin of different food products, their cultivation processes, and how they are derived from flowering plants. Additionally, scientific publications or reports from nutrition and dietetic organizations may also provide insights into the sources of our food.

3) False: To determine if new plants can be generated from stems or roots through vegetative reproduction, we can refer to botanical sources that discuss various methods of plant propagation. Books or research papers dedicated to plant propagation, such as manuals or academic studies, can explain different techniques used to generate new plants. Additionally, we can also consult reputable gardening or horticulture websites that provide information on various propagation methods. By examining these sources, we can gain a clear understanding of which plant parts can be used for vegetative reproduction.