1. Nous sommes alles faire du ski

2. Nous avons quitte Strasbourg assez tard
3. Nous avons du passer la nuit a Lyon
4. Nous sommes arrives a la montagne seulement samedi
5. Il y avait beaucoup de voitures sur la route
6. Il neigaient
7. La route etait mauvaise
8. Il etait minuit
9. On avait sommeil

I'm supposed to put this in chronological order, beginning with "Le weekend dernier..." but I'm having trouble with what some of these are saying. Could you please start me off or tell me what some of them mean? (Like sommeil?)

Here's the translation of sommeil.


You can look up other unfamiliar words in that dictionary.

Please post what you think is the correct order, and someone will be glad to help you.

Certainly! I can help you with the translations and meanings of the sentences to put them in chronological order.

1. Nous sommes allés faire du ski. (We went skiing.) - This sentence indicates that the subject (we) went skiing.

2. Nous avons quitté Strasbourg assez tard. (We left Strasbourg quite late.) - This sentence tells us that the subject (we) left Strasbourg late.

3. Nous avons dû passer la nuit à Lyon. (We had to spend the night in Lyon.) - This sentence explains that the subject (we) had to spend the night in Lyon.

4. Nous sommes arrivés à la montagne seulement samedi. (We arrived in the mountains only on Saturday.) - This sentence states that the subject (we) arrived in the mountains on Saturday.

5. Il y avait beaucoup de voitures sur la route. (There were a lot of cars on the road.) - This sentence describes a situation where there were many cars on the road.

6. Il neigeait. (It was snowing.) - This sentence indicates that it was snowing.

7. La route était mauvaise. (The road was bad.) - This sentence explains that the road was in poor condition.

8. Il était minuit. (It was midnight.) - This sentence tells us that it was midnight.

9. On avait sommeil. (We were sleepy.) - This sentence states that the subject (we) were feeling sleepy.

To put these sentences in chronological order, you can use the following sequence:

Le weekend dernier...

2. Nous avons quitté Strasbourg assez tard.
3. Nous avons dû passer la nuit à Lyon.
4. Nous sommes arrivés à la montagne seulement samedi.
5. Il y avait beaucoup de voitures sur la route.
6. Il neigeait.
7. La route était mauvaise.
9. On avait sommeil.
8. Il était minuit.
1. Nous sommes allés faire du ski.

This order organizes the events in the order they likely occurred during the weekend.