is there an estimated cost associated with the computer virus, how many computers infected so far?

To get an estimated cost associated with computer viruses and the number of infected computers, you would typically need to rely on research, reports, and statistics from trustworthy sources. Here's how you can find this information:

1. Consult reputable cybersecurity institutions: Organizations like McAfee, Norton, and Symantec publish annual reports on cybersecurity threats, including information on computer viruses and their costs. Visit their websites and look for relevant reports or research papers.

2. Check industry publications: Technology-focused publications often cover cybersecurity topics and may provide estimates on the cost of computer viruses and the number of infected computers. Websites like CNET, ZDNet, and TechCrunch could be good sources of information.

3. Look for official government reports: Some governments may release reports or studies on cybersecurity, which can include details about computer virus infections and their associated costs. Check the websites of government agencies dedicated to cybersecurity or technology.

4. Explore cybersecurity forums and communities: Online forums like Security StackExchange or specialized cybersecurity communities might have discussions or threads where users share statistics or estimates. However, be cautious and ensure you verify the information from reliable sources.

When searching for this information, keep in mind that precise estimates may vary depending on the source, the specific viruses considered, and the timeframe of the data. It's always important to cross-reference data from multiple sources for a more accurate understanding of the situation.