Solve the initial value problem

10(t+1)(dy/dt)+9y= 9t
for t > -1 with y(0)=15

chris or Lisa or whoever --

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To solve the initial value problem

10(t + 1)(dy/dt) + 9y = 9t,

we can use the method of integrating factors. Let's go step by step.

Step 1: Rewrite the equation in the form dy/dt + p(t)y = q(t).
Divide both sides of the equation by 10(t + 1) to get:

dy/dt + (9/10(t + 1))y = (9/10)t.

So, p(t) = (9/10(t + 1)) and q(t) = (9/10)t.

Step 2: Find the integrating factor (μ).
The integrating factor μ is given by μ(t) = e^(∫p(t) dt).

∫(9/10(t + 1)) dt = (9/10) ln|t + 1| + C,
where C is the constant of integration.

Therefore, the integrating factor is μ(t) = e^((9/10) ln|t + 1| + C).

Simplifying further, μ(t) = e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) * e^C.

Since e^C is a constant, we can write the equation as:

μ(t) = A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|),
where A = e^C.

Step 3: Multiply the whole equation dy/dt + p(t)y = q(t) by the integrating factor μ(t).
We have:

A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) (dy/dt) + A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) (9/10(t + 1))y = A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) (9/10)t.

The left side becomes d/dt(A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) y). By applying the chain rule and simplifying, we get:

d/dt(A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) y) = A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) (9/10)t.

Step 4: Integrate both sides of the equation.
Integrating both sides, we have:

∫d/dt(A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) y) dt = ∫A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) (9/10)t dt.

On the left side, we can use the integral and derivative inverses to cancel out the derivatives, resulting in:

A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) y = ∫A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) (9/10)t dt.

Step 5: Evaluate the integrals.
Integrating the right side, we have:

A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) y = A ∫ (9/10)t e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) dt.

To evaluate this integral, let's substitute u = ln|t + 1|, du = dt/(t + 1):

A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) y = A ∫ (9/10) e^(9/10 u) du.

Now integrate:

A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) y = A (10/9) e^(9/10 u) + C.

To simplify the equation further, substitute back u = ln|t + 1|:

A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) y = A (10/9) e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|) + C.

Step 6: Solve for y.
Now, divide both sides of the equation by A e^((9/10) ln|t + 1|):

y = (10/9) + Ce^(-(9/10) ln|t + 1|).

Step 7: Apply the initial condition y(0) = 15.
Using the initial condition y(0) = 15, we substitute t = 0:

15 = (10/9) + Ce^(-(9/10) ln|0 + 1|).

Since ln|0 + 1| simplifies to ln|1| = 0, the equation becomes:

15 = (10/9) + Ce^0.

Simplifying further, we have:

15 = (10/9) + C.

To solve for C, subtract (10/9) from both sides:

C = 15 - (10/9) = 135/9 - 10/9 = 125/9.

Thus, the equation is:

y = (10/9) + (125/9)e^(-(9/10) ln|t + 1|).

To solve the initial value problem

10(t+1)(dy/dt) + 9y = 9t, for t > -1 with y(0) = 15,

we can use the method of solving linear first-order differential equations, which involves integrating factors. The standard form of a linear first-order differential equation is:

dy/dt + p(t)y = q(t).

In this case, we have:

10(t+1)(dy/dt) + 9y = 9t.

Dividing through by 10(t+1), we get:

(dy/dt) + (9/10(t+1))y = (9t/10(t+1)).

We can rewrite the equation as:

(dy/dt) + (9/(10t+10))y = (9t/(10t+10)).

Now, we need to find the integrating factor, denoted by μ(t), which is given by:

μ(t) = e^(∫ (9/(10t+10)) dt).

To find the integral, we can use the substitution method. Let u = 10t + 10, then du/dt = 10. Rearranging, we have dt = du/10. Substituting back, we get:

μ(t) = e^(∫ (9/u) (du/10)) = e^(∫ (9/10u) du).

Simplifying further, we have:

μ(t) = e^(9/10 ∫ (1/u) du) = e^(9/10 ln|u|) = (u^(9/10)).

Substituting u = 10t + 10, we have:

μ(t) = (10t + 10)^(9/10).

Now, multiplying both sides of the differential equation by the integrating factor, we get:

(10t + 10)^(9/10)(dy/dt) + (9/(10t+10))(10t+10)^(9/10)y = (9t/(10t+10))(10t+10)^(9/10).

Simplifying further, we have:

(10t + 10)^(9/10)(dy/dt) + 9y = 9t(10t + 10)^(-1/10).

The left-hand side is now the derivative of (10t + 10)^(9/10)y with respect to t. Therefore, we can rewrite the equation as:

d((10t + 10)^(9/10)y)/dt = 9t(10t + 10)^(-1/10).

Now, integrating both sides with respect to t, we have:

∫ d((10t + 10)^(9/10)y)/dt dt = ∫ 9t(10t + 10)^(-1/10) dt.

Integrating, we get:

(10t + 10)^(9/10)y = 9/2 (10t + 10)^(9/10) + C,

where C is the constant of integration.

Dividing both sides by (10t + 10)^(9/10), we have:

y = (9/2 (10t + 10)^(9/10))/(10t + 10)^(9/10) + C/(10t + 10)^(9/10).

Simplifying, we get:

y = (9/2) + C/(10t + 10)^(9/10).

Now, we can use the initial condition y(0) = 15 to find the particular solution. Substituting t = 0 and y = 15 into the equation, we can solve for C:

15 = (9/2) + C/(10(0) + 10)^(9/10).

15 = (9/2) + C/(10)^(9/10).

Simplifying, we have:

15 - (9/2) = C/10^(9/10).

Multiplying both sides by 10^(9/10), we get:

(15 - (9/2)) * 10^(9/10) = C.

Now we know the value of C, we can substitute it back into the equation for y:

y = (9/2) + C/(10t + 10)^(9/10).

Finally, the solution to the initial value problem is:

y = (9/2) + [(15 - (9/2)) * 10^(9/10)]/(10t + 10)^(9/10).