Which of the following is correct?

Mis hermanos tocan a la guitarra.
Mis hermanos tocan la guitarra.
Mis hermanos juegan la guitarra.

I think it is "Mis hermanos tocan la guitarra."

absolutely! You are correct!


You are correct! The correct phrase is "Mis hermanos tocan la guitarra." This translates to "My siblings play the guitar" in English.

To understand why this is the correct option, let's break down the other options:
- "Mis hermanos tocan a la guitarra" is not grammatically correct. The preposition "a" is not needed when talking about playing a musical instrument in Spanish.
- "Mis hermanos juegan la guitarra" is also grammatically correct, but it is less commonly used than "tocar la guitarra." In Spanish, it is more common to use the verb "tocar" (to play) when referring to playing a musical instrument.

So, the correct option is "Mis hermanos tocan la guitarra."