There are 24 people in my class. Four of the don't play sport, 14 play volleyball and 11 play hockey. How may people play volleyball and hocket?

A 3 B 6 C 5 D 9

There are 24-4=20 people who play some form of sports.

Out of the twenty, 14 play volleyball and 11 play both.
So 25 sports are played by 20 people.
How many play both?

It’s 5

24-4=20 14+11=25 25-20=5

To find out how many people play both volleyball and hockey, we need to use a concept called intersection in set theory.

First, let's break down the information given:

Total number of people in the class = 24
Number of people who don't play sport = 4
Number of people who play volleyball = 14
Number of people who play hockey = 11

To find the number of people who play both volleyball and hockey, we need to find the intersection of the volleyball and hockey players.

Intersection is the overlap between two sets, which in this case, are the volleyball players and the hockey players.

To calculate the number of people who play both sports, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract the number of people who don't play sport from the total number of people in the class:
Total number of people who play sport = Total number of people in the class - Number of people who don't play sport
Total number of people who play sport = 24 - 4
Total number of people who play sport = 20

Step 2: Add the number of people who play volleyball and the number of people who play hockey:
Number of people who play volleyball and/or hockey = Number of people who play volleyball + Number of people who play hockey
Number of people who play volleyball and/or hockey = 14 + 11
Number of people who play volleyball and/or hockey = 25

This result is higher than the total number of people who play sport, which indicates an issue. It is not possible for more people to play both volleyball and hockey than the total number of people who play sport.

Based on this analysis, it seems there might be a mistake in the given information. Please review the numbers provided and ensure they are accurate.