Thank you for your help. I can learn a lot of useful and corect English expressions here. By the way, when I search what I have uploaded, I can not find the recent questions first, which is different from before.

Sorry, but how may we help you? If you are looking for something you posted before, look way to the upper right for the SEARCH box. Put your name in "rfvv" and they will all come up. I see they are under the subject English and you could put that as well.


The webmaster had to work on the whole website recently to correct some errors that were happening, including slow loading and reloading of the webpages. He had to make some changes in the search feature, and this is probably why you are finding search results to be different now.

You're welcome! I'm glad you find the information and expressions helpful. As for searching for your recent questions, the order in which they appear may depend on the platform or website you are using. However, I can provide you with a general explanation of how you can find your latest questions easily.

1. Use the search bar: Look for a search bar or search function on the platform you're using (e.g., a search box on a website or a search feature within an app).

2. Enter keywords: Type in keywords or phrases related to your questions. For example, if you want to find your most recent questions about vocabulary, you can enter "vocabulary" in the search bar.

3. Apply filters: Once you get the search results, check if there are any filtering options available. These filters can help you sort the questions based on criteria such as relevance, date, or popularity. Look for options like "Sort by Date" or "Filter by Recent."

4. Sort by date: If there is a "Sort by Date" option, select it to display the most recent questions at the top of the list. This will help you quickly find your latest questions.

Remember that the specific steps may vary depending on the platform you're using, but these general instructions should help you find your recent questions more effectively. If you're still having trouble, let me know what specific platform or website you're using, and I can try to provide more specific guidance.