I have 2 fill in the blanks that I need help with.

1) When electrons are forced away from a/an ___ plate, work is done.

could the answer be positive?

2) Any pointed or angular surface of an object must have a/an ___ concentration of charge to establish equilibrium.

I do not have a clue. Please help. Thank you.

1) When electrons are forced away from a/an ___ plate, work is done.

To determine the answer, let's think about the behavior of electrons and the concept of work. Electrons are negatively charged particles that are usually in motion around atomic nuclei. Work, in the context of physics, refers to the transfer of energy through the application of a force over a distance.

Now, when electrons are forced away from a plate, a force is being applied to move them. This means that work is indeed being done on the electrons. However, we need to determine what kind of plate the electrons are being forced away from.

If the plate from which the electrons are being forced is positively charged, then the electrons, being negatively charged, will be attracted away from the positive plate. Work is done in this situation.

On the other hand, if the plate from which the electrons are being forced is negatively charged, the electrons would actually be moving towards the plate. In this case, work is not being done as the force and motion of the electrons are in the same direction.

Therefore, the answer to the first fill-in-the-blank is "positively charged."

2) Any pointed or angular surface of an object must have a/an ___ concentration of charge to establish equilibrium.

To find the answer, let's consider the concept of charge distribution and equilibrium. When an object is in equilibrium, it means that the forces acting on it are balanced and there is no net force. In terms of charge distribution, this balance is achieved when the concentration of charge is evenly distributed over the surface of an object.

Now, for a pointed or angular surface, the curvature changes rapidly, resulting in a greater concentration of charge in those regions. This happens due to the movement and accumulation of charges toward the pointed or angular parts. If the concentration of charge in those areas becomes too high, the forces between the charges can become imbalanced, and the object will no longer be in equilibrium.

To establish equilibrium, the charge distribution needs to be more spread out and uniform. This means that the concentration of charge on any pointed or angular surface should be kept low.

Therefore, the answer to the second fill-in-the-blank is "low" or "less."