How does the rulling government affect the daily lives of those in afghnistan? in a Thousand Slendid Suns

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To understand how the ruling government affects the daily lives of people in Afghanistan, particularly in the context of the novel "A Thousand Splendid Suns," we need to consider the historical and political background of the country in the specific time period in which the story is set.

The novel takes place from the early 1960s to the early 2000s, covering a period of significant political changes in Afghanistan. During this time, Afghanistan experienced different forms of government, including monarchy, socialism, and ultimately the Taliban regime.

1. Monarchy: At the beginning of the novel, Afghanistan is under a monarchy ruled by King Zahir Shah. Under this government, daily life for most Afghans is heavily influenced by traditional customs and patriarchal norms. Women have limited rights and are often confined to their homes, with restrictions on education and employment opportunities.

2. Socialist Republic: Following a period of political instability and a coup d'état, Afghanistan becomes a socialist republic in the late 1970s. This socialist government aims to modernize and introduce progressive reforms, including giving women more rights and access to education and employment. However, political turmoil and conflicts arise, with factions opposing the government, leading to violence and erosion of stability.

3. Taliban Rule: In the mid-1990s, the Taliban, an extremist Islamist group, takes control of Afghanistan. Life under their regime is marked by strict religious ideology, particularly under their interpretation of Islamic law (Sharia). Daily life becomes heavily regulated, especially for women. Women are subjected to extreme gender-based oppression, including restrictions on education, employment, and social interaction. They are required to wear burqas, and their freedom and personal agency are severely limited.

Throughout "A Thousand Splendid Suns," the characters, particularly the female protagonists Mariam and Laila, navigate these different periods of governance in Afghanistan. The government's policies and actions directly impact their lives, shaping their experiences and opportunities as they face challenges and strive for personal freedom.

To delve deeper into the ways the ruling government affects daily life in Afghanistan, you can examine the specific policies, restrictions, and societal norms highlighted within the novel itself. Additionally, researching Afghanistan's history, political system, and the experiences of its people during different periods of government will provide further insight into the topic.