Except for a few pigeons, Central Park was deserted. Mist hung above the chilled grass. Patches of old snow, scattered here and there, looked like white puddles. The sun hung just above the horizon, casting red and orange streaks across low-hanging clouds. The portly, gray-haired gentleman jogging down the path looked out of place. For one thing, he was dressed in ordinary street clothes, not a sweat suit. Also, every few seconds, he looked anxiously back over his shoulder. Coming closer to me, I saw that his face was flushed. He was panting, almost gasping. Abruptly, looking this way and that, he moved behind a tree. Seeming not to notice my presence, he stood with his back against the trunk, panting heavily. After a moment, he poked his head out to survey the path. It was still empty, except for a squirrel that dashed across the path like a furry dart. I checked my watch. It was now 7:30. Mentally marking the time, I aimed my camera toward the man's face.

4. From this paragraph, what relationship can you infer between the jogger and the writer?
A. They are well known to each other.
B. They are complete strangers to each other.
C. The writer is doing a report on the jogger.
D. The writer is in danger from the jogger.

This question is based on the following passage.

Except for a few pigeons, Central Park was deserted. Mist hung above the chilled grass. Patches of old snow, scattered here and there, looked like white puddles. The sun hung just above the horizon, casting red and orange streaks across low-hanging clouds. The portly, gray-haired gentleman jogging down the path looked out of place. For one thing, he was dressed in ordinary street clothes, not a sweat suit. Also, every few seconds, he looked anxiously back over his shoulder. Coming closer to me, I saw that his face was flushed. He was panting, almost gasping. Abruptly, looking this way and that, he moved behind a tree. Seeming not to notice my presence, he stood with his back against the trunk, panting heavily. After a moment, he poked his head out to survey the path. It was still empty, except for a squirrel that dashed across the path like a furry dart. I checked my watch. It was now 7:30. Mentally marking the time, I aimed my camera toward the man's face.

5. From the paragraph, you can conclude that the portly man is afraid of something. Which one of the following elements gives the strongest evidence for that conclusion?
A. He's panting.
B. He isn't dressed in a jogging suit.
C. He's running in a nearly deserted park.
D. He hides behind a tree.

This question is based on the following passage.

Except for a few pigeons, Central Park was deserted. Mist hung above the chilled grass. Patches of old snow, scattered here and there, looked like white puddles. The sun hung just above the horizon, casting red and orange streaks across low-hanging clouds. The portly, gray-haired gentleman jogging down the path looked out of place. For one thing, he was dressed in ordinary street clothes, not a sweat suit. Also, every few seconds, he looked anxiously back over his shoulder. Coming closer to me, I saw that his face was flushed. He was panting, almost gasping. Abruptly, looking this way and that, he moved behind a tree. Seeming not to notice my presence, he stood with his back against the trunk, panting heavily. After a moment, he poked his head out to survey the path. It was still empty, except for a squirrel that dashed across the path like a furry dart. I checked my watch. It was now 7:30. Mentally marking the time, I aimed my camera toward the man's face.

6. In this paragraph, a white puddle is a simile for
A. mist.
B. grass.
C. fear.
D. snow.

This question is based on the following poem:

Seasons are celebrations.
A year's a Ferris wheel.
Both honor our world's habit
of spinning 'round a star.

7. Which one of the following sentences best expresses the main idea of this poem?
A. The world has a habit of spinning around.
B. Season are celebrations, while a year on Earth is a habit.
C. Seasons and Ferris wheels are like Earth's journey around the sun.
D. There are four seasons in a year.

This question is based on the following poem:

Seasons are celebrations.
A year's a Ferris wheel.
Both honor our world's habit
of spinning 'round a star.

8. In the first line of the poem, the poet is using a
A. loaded word.
B. bias.
C. simile.
D. metaphor.

This question is based on the following poem.

Some say life's a monopoly game,
spread like a picnic to kill the grass,
assuring no winners save some ants,
until amid the fading rants,
none there are to punch one's pass
into the halls of fame.

9. The metaphor for life in this poem is
A. a picnic.
B. a monopoly game.
C. halls of fame.
D. some ants.

10. Which one of the following sentences best explains the term bias?
A. Bias is an interpretation of something.
B. Bias is a negative opinion.
C. Bias exchanges a negative opinion for a positive one.
D. Bias is an opinion that favors one point of view.

11. Suppose the following sentence appears in the sports section of the newspaper:
Lorton's experienced linemen performed well in handing Jefferson High's Eagles a
crushing defeat.
What word in the sentence is most clearly a loaded word?
A. Experienced
B. Handing
C. Crushing
D. Defeat

12. Opinion often shows bias. Therefore, it's good to remember that a fact is different from an opinion because a fact can be proved or disproved with
A. imagery.
B. opinions.
C. evidence.
D. bias.

This question is based on the following information about The Call of the Wild, a book by Jack London.

The Call of the Wild is a story about a dog named Buck. Buck is a pampered dog who lives with a wealthy family in southern California. During the Gold Rush, Buck is captured, sold, and eventually shipped to Alaska to work as a sled dog. Along the way, Buck is mistreated by a series of owners. Eventually he learns to survive as a member of a dog sled team. As a result, Buck soon realizes that in the Yukon of Alaska, "the law of club and fang" is stronger than the rules of civilized society. With each new experience, Buck becomes more acquainted with his primitive past. Finally, after losing the one person who treated Buck well, Buck decides to return to living in the wild.

13. From the information above, which one of the following headlines would best represent the theme of Jack London's story?
A. Pampered Dog Moves to Alaska
B. Dog Learns the Ropes of Sled Teams
C. Dog Mistreated by Owners
D. Dog's Roots Call Him Back

This question is based on the following excerpt from a short story.

Inside the bus, in his summer Class-A uniform with its brass glitter and infantry-blue shoulder cordon, Jamie Sabin was going home. Fort Benning would be a fading dream; Preston, Virginia, a place unknown, his future. He was in between, fumbling with puzzle pieces, making up stories about the real Jamie Sabin. Each of these he set adrift like a paper boat on a shifting sea of daydreams. He did that encased in the drone and shudder of diesel pistons and hissing tires. Jamie Sabin was going home to a place unknown.

14. In this paragraph, the paper boat is a
A. simile for stories Jamie makes up about himself.
B. metaphor for daydreams.
C. simile for Jamie's past.
D. metaphor for Jamie's past and future.

This question is based on the following four sentences.

1. Netta and Jim argued over their views of free trade.
2. Netta and Jim had different views on free trade.
3. Netta and Jim were sharply split over the issue of free trade.
4. Netta and Jim refused to discuss the issue of free trade.

15. Which of the four sentences is not neutral?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

This question is based on the following four sentences.

1. Netta and Jim argued over their views of free trade.
2. Netta and Jim had different views on free trade.
3. Netta and Jim were sharply split over the issue of free trade.
4. Netta and Jim refused to discuss the issue of free trade.

16. In these four sentences, the word that's most obviously a loaded word is
A. argued.
B. sharply.
C. refused.
D. different.

This question is based on the following passage.

Snow was quickly piling up on the ground. Wind howled through the trees. Karen wrapped a blanket around her and sighed as she watched the snow through her bedroom window.

17. In this passage, you can best infer that
A. Karen is at home during a snowstorm.
B. Karen doesn't like the snow.
C. Karen is upset because she can't get out.
D. Karen thinks the snow is beautiful.

This question based on the "The Little Match Girl," which you read in this
study unit.

18. Who is the protagonist in "The Little Match Girl"?
A. The little match girl's grandmother
B. The little match girl's cruel father
C. The passerby who finds the little girl's body
D. The little match girl

This question based on the "The Little Match Girl," which you read in this
study unit.

19. What is the setting of "The Little Match Girl"?
A. A place in the matchseller's imagination
B. The matchseller's attic home
C. The matchseller's grandmother's house
D. A wintry city street

This question is based on the following passage.

According to science, the fastest speed possible for anything is the speed of light. The speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second. That means that in one minute, light travels 11,160,000 miles. The star nearest Earth is the Sun. It's about 93,000,000 miles from Earth. Therefore, it takes sunlight about eight minutes to travel to Earth. So, when you see the Sun, you aren't seeing it as it is. You're seeing it as it was eight minutes ago. Since the stars are much farther away than our Sun, imagine how far back in time you're seeing them! It's obvious that humans will never travel to planets around even the nearest stars.

20. Which statement taken from the paragraph is most likely to be opinion rather than fact?
A. The fastest speed possible for anything is the speed of light.
B. Humans will never travel to planets around even the nearest stars.
C. The star nearest Earth is the Sun.
D. When you see the Sun, you aren't seeing it as it is.

Ooops! You forgot to tell us what YOU THINK the answers are.

Be aware that no one here will do your work for you!

wow your really stupid if you expect someone to do your homework for you


lol yall are stupid.. just answer the person

you guys cant answer cause you have no swag!


4. From this paragraph, it is not possible to infer the exact relationship between the jogger and the writer. The paragraph does not provide enough information about their relationship. The correct answer is B. They are complete strangers to each other.

5. The element in the paragraph that gives the strongest evidence for the jogger's fear is that he hides behind a tree. This suggests that he is trying to hide or avoid something or someone. The correct answer is D. He hides behind a tree.

6. In this paragraph, a white puddle is a simile for snow. The description "Patches of old snow, scattered here and there, looked like white puddles" compares the appearance of the snow to that of white puddles. The correct answer is D. snow.

7. The main idea of this poem is that seasons and Ferris wheels are like Earth's journey around the sun. The lines "Seasons are celebrations. A year's a Ferris wheel. Both honor our world's habit of spinning 'round a star" suggest the comparison between the seasons and a Ferris wheel, and how they both symbolize the Earth's orbit around the sun. The correct answer is C. Seasons and Ferris wheels are like Earth's journey around the sun.

8. In the first line of the poem, the poet is using a metaphor. The line "Seasons are celebrations" compares seasons to celebrations. The correct answer is D. metaphor.

9. The metaphor for life in this poem is a monopoly game. The line "Some say life's a monopoly game" compares life to a monopoly game, suggesting that life can be seen as a game with winners and losers. The correct answer is B. a monopoly game.

10. The best explanation for the term bias is that bias is an opinion that favors one point of view. Bias refers to a predisposition or inclination towards a particular viewpoint or perspective, often resulting in unfair or inaccurate treatment of other options. The correct answer is D. Bias is an opinion that favors one point of view.

11. The most loaded word in the sentence is "crushing." This word suggests a significant and resounding defeat, emphasizing the magnitude of the loss for the Eagles. The correct answer is C. Crushing.

12. A fact is different from an opinion because a fact can be proved or disproved with evidence. Facts are objective and verifiable information, while opinions are subjective and based on personal beliefs or perspectives. The correct answer is C. evidence.

13. The headline that best represents the theme of Jack London's story is "Dog's Roots Call Him Back." The information provided suggests that Buck, the main character, feels a strong connection to his primitive past and ultimately decides to return to living in the wild. The correct answer is D. Dog's Roots Call Him Back.

14. In this paragraph, the paper boat is a metaphor for stories Jamie makes up about himself. The line "Each of these he set adrift like a paper boat on a shifting sea of daydreams" compares the stories Jamie makes up to paper boats sailing on a sea of daydreams. The correct answer is A. simile for stories Jamie makes up about himself.

15. The sentence that is not neutral is sentence 4, "Netta and Jim refused to discuss the issue of free trade." This sentence implies that Netta and Jim have a strong disagreement or conflict regarding free trade, which is not a neutral stance. The correct answer is D. 4.

16. In these four sentences, the word that's most obviously a loaded word is "crushing." This word suggests a significant and resounding defeat, emphasizing the magnitude of the loss for the Eagles. The correct answer is C. refused.

17. In this passage, it can best be inferred that Karen is upset because she can't get out. The description of her sighing and watching the snow through the window suggests a longing or desire to be outside. The correct answer is C. Karen is upset because she can't get out.

18. The protagonist in "The Little Match Girl" is the little match girl herself. The protagonist is the main character of the story who drives the plot and undergoes changes or challenges. The correct answer is D. The little match girl.

19. The setting of "The Little Match Girl" is a wintry city street. The story takes place during a cold winter and centers around the little match girl's experiences on the street. The correct answer is D. A wintry city street.

20. The statement most likely to be opinion rather than fact is "Humans will never travel to planets around even the nearest stars." This statement is based on speculation and cannot be proven or disproven with evidence. The correct answer is B. Humans will never travel to planets around even the nearest stars.