i have a test on monday

1 A beach ball is thrown straight up with a speed of 10m/s from a point 2 m above the ground
a) Assuming no air reistance, calculate how far up the ball will go
b)At what speed will the ball eventually hit the ground?
c) If the air resistance exerts a constant force fo 10N during the journey, calculate the new maximum height and maximum speed of the ball.

2. A pitcher throws a fastball, off target, at a speed of 90 km/h and hits home plate. The ball of mass 0.14 kg is 2.2 m above the ground when it leaves the pither's hand
a)What is the total gravitational and kinetic energy of the ball at the time of release?
b) What is the ball's kinetic energy when it reaches home plate?
c) How fast is the ball moving when it collides with the home plate?


We will be happy to critique your thinking or work.

To solve these problems step-by-step, let's start with the first one:

1. A beach ball is thrown straight up with a speed of 10 m/s from a point 2 m above the ground.

a) Assuming no air resistance, calculate how far up the ball will go.

To calculate the maximum height reached by the ball, we can use the equation for the final position in free-fall motion:

H = H0 + V0^2 / (2g)

H is the final position (max height),
H0 is the initial position (2 m),
V0 is the initial velocity (10 m/s),
g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2).

Substituting the given values into the equation:

H = 2 + (10^2) / (2 * 9.8)

Simplifying the equation:

H ≈ 2.51 meters

Therefore, the maximum height the ball will reach is approximately 2.51 meters.

b) At what speed will the ball eventually hit the ground?

When the ball returns to the ground, its final velocity will be the same magnitude as its initial velocity, but directed downwards.

Therefore, the speed at which the ball will hit the ground is 10 m/s.

c) If the air resistance exerts a constant force of 10 N during the journey, calculate the new maximum height and maximum speed of the ball.

Considering the air resistance force, the net force acting on the ball will be the difference between the gravitational force (mg) and the air resistance force (10 N).

The net force can be written as:

Fnet = mg - Fr

m is the mass of the ball (assumed to be known),
g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2),
Fr is the air resistance force (10 N).

Since the mass of the ball is not given in the question, we can't calculate the specific values for the new maximum height and maximum speed in this case. However, we can describe the effects of the air resistance.

The air resistance force will oppose the motion of the ball, reducing both its maximum height and maximum speed. The actual calculations would require the ball's mass and additional information about its motion.

Now, let's move on to the second problem:

2. A pitcher throws a fastball, off target, at a speed of 90 km/h and hits home plate. The ball of mass 0.14 kg is 2.2 m above the ground when it leaves the pitcher's hand.

a) What is the total gravitational and kinetic energy of the ball at the time of release?

The total mechanical energy of the ball is the sum of its gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

Gravitational Potential Energy:
PE = m * g * h

m is the mass of the ball (0.14 kg),
g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2),
h is the height above the reference point (2.2 m).

Substituting the given values into the equation:

PE = 0.14 * 9.8 * 2.2

Simplifying the equation:

PE ≈ 3.122 Joules

Kinetic Energy:
KE = 0.5 * m * v^2

m is the mass of the ball (0.14 kg),
v is the speed of the ball (90 km/h converted to m/s).

Converting the speed from km/h to m/s:

v = 90 * (1000/3600) ≈ 25 m/s

Substituting the given values into the equation:

KE = 0.5 * 0.14 * (25^2)

Simplifying the equation:

KE ≈ 21.875 Joules

Therefore, at the time of release, the ball has a gravitational potential energy of approximately 3.122 Joules and a kinetic energy of approximately 21.875 Joules.

b) What is the ball's kinetic energy when it reaches home plate?

Since the height of the home plate is not given, we assume the reference point for potential energy remains at 2.2 meters.

The ball's gravitational potential energy at home plate is the same as at the time of release (3.122 Joules). However, its kinetic energy will differ depending on its final speed.

To calculate the final kinetic energy, we need additional information about the ball's motion or its final speed.

c) How fast is the ball moving when it collides with the home plate?

Since the final speed of the ball is not given, we cannot determine its exact value without additional information.

To calculate the final speed, we would need to know the distance between the pitcher and home plate, the time it takes for the ball to reach home plate, or any other data that allows us to determine the acceleration or deceleration of the ball during its motion.

Without this additional information, we cannot provide an exact answer to this question.

To solve these physics problems, we will need to apply a few key formulas and concepts. Let's go step by step to find the answers to each question:

Question 1:
a) To determine how far up the beach ball will go, we can use the kinematic equation for vertical motion:
vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ad

Here, vi is the initial velocity (10 m/s), vf is the final velocity (0 m/s at the highest point), and a is the acceleration (which is equal to the acceleration due to gravity, -9.8 m/s^2).

Rearranging the equation to solve for d (displacement):
d = (vf^2 - vi^2) / (2a)

Plugging in the values:
d = (0^2 - 10^2) / (2 * -9.8)

The negative sign indicates that we should take the magnitude of the displacement, so the ball will go up approximately 5.10 meters.

b) When the ball hits the ground, its final velocity will be the same as its initial velocity (but in the opposite direction) due to the conservation of energy:
vf = -vi

Therefore, the speed at which the ball hits the ground is equal to the initial speed, which is 10 m/s.

c) If air resistance exerts a constant force of 10 N during the journey, we can calculate the new maximum height and speed using the work-energy principle.

The work done by air resistance can be calculated as the product of force and displacement, which gives the negative change in mechanical energy:
Work = -Force * displacement = -10 N * 5.10 m = -51 Joules

The change in gravitational potential energy between the initial and final positions is equal to the work done by air resistance:
mgh = -51 J

Rearranging the equation to solve for h (height):
h = -51 J / (mg)

Plugging in the values (assuming Earth's gravity, g = 9.8 m/s^2):
h = -51 J / (0.14 kg * 9.8 m/s^2)

The negative sign indicates that we should take the magnitude of the height, so the new maximum height of the ball is approximately 2.09 meters.

Since the work done by air resistance reduces the mechanical energy, the maximum speed of the ball will also be reduced. We can calculate the new maximum speed using the conservation of energy equation:
initial energy - work done = final energy

At the highest point, the potential energy is maximum and the kinetic energy is zero. Therefore, the initial energy is equal to the potential energy at the highest point:
Energy_initial = mgh = 0.14 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 2 m = 2.744 Joules

The final energy is the sum of the potential and kinetic energy at the new maximum height:
Energy_final = mgh' + 0.5mv'^2

Rearranging the equation and solving for v' (speed at new maximum height):
v' = sqrt((Energy_final - mgh') / (0.5m))

Plugging in the values:
v' = sqrt((2.744 J - 0.14 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 2.09 m) / (0.5 * 0.14 kg))

The new maximum speed of the ball is approximately 7.21 m/s.

Question 2:
a) To find the total gravitational and kinetic energy of the ball at the time of release, we can calculate them separately.

The gravitational potential energy can be calculated as:

Plugging in the values:
Gravitational potential energy = 0.14 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 2.2 m

The kinetic energy can be calculated as:

Plugging in the values:
Kinetic energy = 0.5 * 0.14 kg * (90 km/h)^2

b) The kinetic energy of the ball when it reaches home plate remains the same, as there is no work done on the ball during its flight (assuming no air resistance or other external forces). So, the kinetic energy will still be the same as in part (a).

c) To find the speed of the ball when it collides with the home plate, we can use the formula for kinetic energy again:


Rearranging the equation to solve for v (speed):
v = sqrt((2 * Kinetic energy) / m)

Plugging in the values:
v = sqrt((2 * Kinetic energy) / 0.14 kg)

The speed of the ball when it collides with the home plate can be calculated using this formula.

Remember to double-check the calculations and units used. Good luck with your test on Monday!