7. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of modern media delivery?

What are you including in "modern media delivery?"

Consider this:

In 1944 and 1945, when my dad was in the US Army fighting against Nazis, my mom and her parents went to the town's movie theater twice a week, whether they were interested in seeing the movie or not. What they went for was the Movietone News.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1Gt6hPuMaw Those were the only movies (no one used the term videos yet) they could see of what was happening in France, Germany, and other places.

There were also newspapers and radio broadcasts, of course, but only at the movie theater could they see the films.

How do we know what's going on these days in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc.? What are the differences?

To understand the main advantages and disadvantages of modern media delivery, we need to first clarify what modern media delivery refers to. Modern media delivery involves the methods used to distribute media content, such as television shows, movies, music, and news, to consumers. These methods include streaming services, on-demand platforms, social media, and mobile apps.

Advantages of Modern Media Delivery:

1. Convenience: Modern media delivery provides convenience to consumers. They can access a broad range of content anytime and anywhere through various devices like smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and laptops.

2. Variety of Content: The availability of modern media delivery platforms offers a vast selection of content, including movies, TV series, documentaries, music, podcasts, and more. This allows users to explore different genres and discover new interests.

3. Flexibility: Users have the flexibility to choose when and where they want to consume media content. They can pause, rewind, or skip sections according to their preferences, providing a personalized viewing experience.

4. Cost Effectiveness: Some modern media delivery platforms offer subscription-based models, which can be cost-effective compared to traditional media formats like cable or satellite TV. Consumers can access a wide variety of content at a much lower price.

Disadvantages of Modern Media Delivery:

1. Internet Dependency: Modern media delivery relies heavily on uninterrupted internet connectivity. If the internet connection is weak, slow, or unreliable, it can lead to buffering issues or complete loss of access to the media content.

2. Content Overload: With the abundance of media content available, it can be overwhelming for users to navigate through the vast selection. The sheer volume of choices can make it difficult to decide what to watch or listen to, resulting in decision fatigue.

3. Quality Concerns: Depending on the platform and internet connection, the quality of media delivery can vary. Streaming services may compress the content to save bandwidth, which can result in reduced video or audio quality, especially for those with high standards.

4. Ownership and Licensing: With modern media delivery, users typically do not own the content they consume. They only have access to it as long as they maintain their subscription or the content is available on the platform. This lack of ownership can be seen as a disadvantage by some.

In summary, modern media delivery offers convenience, variety, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, which are significant advantages. However, it also has disadvantages such as internet dependency, content overload, quality concerns, and the lack of ownership and licensing.