What addition property can you use to find the missing number?



What does Commutative mean?

Thankyou Sir for helping me. I am studying for my tcap exam and some of the stuff on the test we didn't have time to cover because it snowed so much and we couldn't go to school.I think I no what I am looking for now. You have been a bunch of help.

To find the missing number in the equation 8+(6+5)=8+(5+_), we can use the associative property of addition.

The associative property states that changing the grouping of the numbers being added does not change the sum. In other words, we can add the numbers in any order or group them differently without changing the result.

In this case, we can group the numbers differently within parentheses to make it easier to find the missing number.

Let's start by adding 6 and 5 within the parentheses on the left side of the equation:


Now, we have 8 plus the sum of 6 and 5 on the left side, and 8 plus some unknown number on the right side.

Since we know that the sum of 6 and 5 is 11, we can substitute that into the equation:


Now, we have 8 plus 11 on the left side, and 8 plus some unknown number on the right side.

To find the missing number, we need to make both sides of the equation equal.

Since 8+11 is 19, we can replace the left side with 19:


Now, we can see that the missing number is the one that, when added to 11, gives us 8 more than 19.

To find this missing number, we can subtract 8 from 19:


Now, we have 11 plus some number on the right side.

Subtracting 8 from 19 gives us 11, so we can replace the right side with 11:


So, the missing number in the equation 8+(6+5)=8+(5+_) is 11.