I'm a left wing:

Left Wing:
Support(sometimes radical) change; think that the government should provide more social services such as education and health care(therfroe they support higher taxes); believe that the government should be heavily involved in managing the economy; and believe that criminals should be rehabiliated(that they are capable of changing their ways). In general, left wing politics support new solutions to old problems.

I'm a left wing because I support this:

The government should spend more money on programs for the poor and disadvantaged.

Here are my points on this:
-to help them survive
-to provide them with their needs
-to let them live good lives
-hard for them to earn money
-poor/disadvantaged can't get jobs on own
-their children can't receive education/need support from government to make this possible
-necessary for them to have food

Could I pretty please get more points??

If children are fed and educated, they will become productive, tax-paying members of society in the future.

Society has an obligation to care for its weakest members.

Innovation is brought about by adopting new ideas.

What about rehabilitating criminals?

Certainly! Here are some additional points to support the idea that the government should spend more money on programs for the poor and disadvantaged:

1. Reducing inequality: Higher spending on programs for the poor can help bridge the wealth gap by providing resources and opportunities to those who may not have access to them otherwise. This can contribute to a more equitable society overall.

2. Social mobility: Investing in programs for the poor and disadvantaged can improve social mobility. By providing access to education, training, and job opportunities, individuals from low-income backgrounds have a better chance of improving their economic situation and breaking the cycle of poverty.

3. Economic benefits: Spending on programs for the poor can stimulate the economy. When people have access to basic necessities and other forms of support, they are more likely to participate in economic activities such as buying goods and services, which can boost consumption and drive economic growth.

4. Health and well-being: Adequate government support can help improve the health and well-being of the poor and disadvantaged. Access to healthcare services, mental health support, and nutrition programs can lead to better overall outcomes and reduce long-term healthcare costs.

5. Social cohesion: Investing in programs that address the needs of the poor and disadvantaged can foster social cohesion and create a stronger sense of community. When individuals feel supported by their government and fellow citizens, it can lead to greater social harmony and cooperation.

Remember, these points are not definitive, and there may be various counterarguments or alternative perspectives. It is always important to consider different viewpoints and engage in respectful dialogue to gain a well-rounded understanding of the issue at hand.