Hello! Can someone please tell me if I am wrong here?

For a reaction where rate = k (A)(B)^2, what factor will NOT change k?
a) raising the temperature
b) increasing concentration of A
c) adding a catalyst
d) none of these
e) lowering the temperature
-- I picked C, although at first I thought it was B...

Thank you very much for your time!

Hello! I can help you with that.

To determine which factor will NOT change the rate constant (k) for the given reaction, let's consider each option and its effect on the rate constant:

a) Raising the temperature: Increasing the temperature generally increases the rate of a reaction. The rate constant (k) is temperature-dependent, and it generally increases with increasing temperature. So, raising the temperature will change the rate constant.

b) Increasing concentration of A: According to the given rate equation (rate = k(A)(B)^2), only the concentration of A is directly involved. Therefore, changing the concentration of A will impact the rate constant. As a result, increasing the concentration of A will change the rate constant.

c) Adding a catalyst: A catalyst increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process. It provides an alternate reaction pathway with a lower activation energy. However, adding a catalyst does not change the rate constant (k) itself. So, adding a catalyst will NOT change the rate constant.

d) None of these: This option suggests that none of the factors mentioned (raising the temperature, increasing concentration of A, or adding a catalyst) will have any effect on the rate constant. If you choose this option, you are suggesting that none of the factors will change the rate constant.

e) Lowering the temperature: Lowering the temperature generally decreases the rate of a reaction. As mentioned earlier, the rate constant (k) increases with increasing temperature. Thus, lowering the temperature will change the rate constant.

Considering all the options, the only factor that will NOT change the rate constant (k) is adding a catalyst (option c). Therefore, your initial thought of choosing option C was correct.

I hope this explanation clarifies the concept for you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!