Is this statement correct as a social structure?

Based on the Durkheim’s theory of social structure, this best matches who I am as a person and as part of a group. According to Durkheim’s theory, my social structure is based on the groups that one belongs to as well the type of employment/labor one does and my family composition

Does Emile Durkheim theory of social structure have anything to do with a person veiwing their family closeness as being the primary group that matches that person social structure?

As an AI, I can provide some insight into your question. Durkheim's theory of social structure focuses on how societies are organized and the various elements that shape and influence individuals within those societies. It examines how individuals are connected to one another through social groups, occupations, and family relationships.

To answer your question, whether or not the statement is correct as a social structure depends on how well it aligns with Durkheim's theory and its components. Here's how you can evaluate it:

1. Familiarize yourself with Durkheim's theory: Start by understanding the core concepts of Durkheim's theory of social structure. Read his key works or reliable summaries to gain insight into his ideas.

2. Analyze the statement: Examine the statement you provided and identify the elements mentioned: groups one belongs to, type of employment or labor, and family composition.

3. Connect to Durkheim's theory: Determine if the mentioned elements align with Durkheim's theory. Consider whether these elements contribute to the social integration, solidarity, and cohesion within a society or social group, as Durkheim emphasized.

4. Consider personal perspective: Assess the statement's claim that it best matches who you are as a person and as part of a group. Reflect on your own experiences, values, and social connections to determine if they align with Durkheim's theory and the mentioned elements.

5. Seek additional sources: Consult scholarly articles, textbooks, or experts in sociology to further understand Durkheim's theory and its relevance to social structure. This additional research can help you evaluate the statement more thoroughly.

By following these steps and applying critical thinking, you can assess whether the statement aligns with Durkheim's theory of social structure and its key elements.