which of the following best accounts for the success of the african empires in the 10th through 15th centuries?

A. location on the silk road trade route

B. the christianization of that area

C. the presence of gold and precious metals

D. technological and scientific breakthroughs

It's not A because the Silk Road went through Asia.

What does being Christian have to do with economic success?

Which of the last two answers do you think is correct?

is it d

I don't think there were many technological and scientific breakthroughs in this time period.

Check your book!!!!

To determine the best account for the success of African empires in the 10th through 15th centuries, we can analyze each option and assess its impact.

A. Location on the Silk Road Trade Route: This option is not the best explanation for the success of African empires during this period. The Silk Road trade route primarily connected Asia and Europe, passing through Central Asia, rather than directly through Africa.

B. The Christianization of that area: While Christianity did play a role in shaping African societies during this era, it alone does not account for the success of African empires. Christianity spread in various regions of Africa and influenced cultural, social, and political developments, but it was not the sole factor contributing to their success.

C. The presence of gold and precious metals: This option holds significant weight in explaining the success of African empires during this time frame. Many African empires, such as the Kingdom of Ghana, Mali Empire, and Songhai Empire, controlled vast resources of gold and other precious metals. These resources contributed to the wealth and economic power of these empires, leading to their success.

D. Technological and scientific breakthroughs: While African empires made notable advancements in technology and science, these breakthroughs were not the primary factor contributing to their success during this period. Technological and scientific advancements alone do not account for the intricacies of political, economic, and social factors that shaped the success of these empires.

Considering these factors, the presence of gold and precious metals (option C) best accounts for the success of African empires in the 10th through 15th centuries.