Can you say that someone felt as congruent as they felt before?

Congruent is not a word that is used to describe people.

No. It's not a good word choice.

What are you trying to say?

I am trying to say that the person felt the SAME way as they did before,since congruent means the same.

I think your best choice is "same."

Be sure you check out the meaning of this word in several of these dictionaries, too, including the two at the right. You don't use that word to describe people. I have no idea why. It's just not done.

you could say someone felt similar to the way they did before.

To answer the question, "Can you say that someone felt as congruent as they felt before?" we first need to understand what "congruence" means in this context. In psychology, congruence refers to a state of harmony or agreement between a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

To determine if someone felt as congruent as they felt before, you would need to assess their current state of congruence and compare it to their past state. This task requires subjective assessment, as congruence is a personal and individual experience.

To gather information about someone's current and past levels of congruence, you can:

1. Observation: Observe their behaviors, expressions, and interactions. Look for signs of coherence between what they say, how they act, and their emotional expressions.

2. Self-report: Ask the individual about their experiences and how they perceive their level of congruence. Encourage them to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

3. Journaling: Encourage the individual to keep a journal where they can reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By reviewing their entries over time, they may gain insight into their level of congruence.

Remember that measuring congruence is subjective and personal, as it involves the internal experience of an individual. Ultimately, only the person themselves can truly determine if they feel as congruent as they felt before.