i never can do word problems....please help... i got 7 of them.....these are word for word

Larry is 8 yrs older than his sister.In 3 yrs, hr will be twice as old as she will be then.how old is each now?

Jennifer is 6 yrs older than Sue. in 4 yrs, she will be twice as old as Sue was 5 yrs ago. Find their ages now.

Adam is 5 yrs younger than Eve. In 1 yr, Eve will be three times as old as Adam was 4 yrs ago. Find their ages now.

4)jack is twice as old as Jill. In 2 yrs, Jack will be 4 times as old as Jill was ( uears ago. How old are they now?

four yrs ago, Katie was twice as old as Anne was then. In 6 yrs, Anne will be the same age that Katie is now How old is each now?

five yrs ago, Tom was one third as old as his father was then. In 5 yrs Tom will be half as old as his father will be then. Find their ages now.

Barry is 8 yrs older than sue. In 4 yrs, she will be twice as old as Sue was 5 yrs ago. find their ages now.


1) Let's start by assigning variables to the ages of Larry and his sister. Let Larry's age be L and his sister's age be S.

According to the problem, Larry is 8 years older than his sister:
L = S + 8

In 3 years, Larry will be twice as old as his sister will be then:
L + 3 = 2(S + 3)

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system using substitution or elimination method. Let's use substitution.

Substitute the value of L from the first equation into the second equation:
(S + 8) + 3 = 2(S + 3)
S + 11 = 2S + 6

Subtract S from both sides:
11 = S + 6 - S
11 = 6

This equation is not true, which means there is no possible solution. There might be an error in the problem or the question is not properly formatted. Please double-check the information provided.

2) Let's assign variables to the ages of Jennifer and Sue. Let Jennifer's age be J and Sue's age be S.

According to the problem, Jennifer is 6 years older than Sue:
J = S + 6

In 4 years, Jennifer will be twice as old as Sue was 5 years ago:
J + 4 = 2(S - 5)

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system using substitution or elimination method. Let's use substitution.

Substitute the value of J from the first equation into the second equation:
(S + 6) + 4 = 2(S - 5)
S + 10 = 2S - 10

Subtract S from both sides:
10 = S - 10

Add 10 to both sides:
20 = S

Sue's age is 20 years old. Substitute this value back into the first equation to find Jennifer's age:
J = 20 + 6
J = 26

Therefore, Jennifer is 26 years old and Sue is 20 years old.

3) Let's assign variables to the ages of Adam and Eve. Let Adam's age be A and Eve's age be E.

According to the problem, Adam is 5 years younger than Eve:
A = E - 5

In 1 year, Eve will be three times as old as Adam was 4 years ago:
(E + 1) = 3(A - 4)

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system using substitution or elimination method. Let's use substitution.

Substitute the value of A from the first equation into the second equation:
(E - 5 + 1) = 3((E - 5) - 4)
E - 4 = 3(E - 9)

Distribute 3 to (E - 9):
E - 4 = 3E - 27

Subtract E from both sides:
-4 = 2E - 27

Add 27 to both sides:
23 = 2E

Divide by 2:
E = 11.5

Eve's age is 11.5 years old. Substitute this value back into the first equation to find Adam's age:
A = 11.5 - 5
A = 6.5

Therefore, Adam is 6.5 years old and Eve is 11.5 years old.

Word problems can be tricky, but with a systematic approach, you can break them down and find the solutions. Let's solve each of these word problems step by step.

1) Larry is 8 years older than his sister. In 3 years, he will be twice as old as she will be then. How old is each now?

To solve this problem, let's assume Larry's sister's current age is x. We can express Larry's current age as x + 8. In 3 years, Larry's age will be (x + 8) + 3, and his sister's age will be x + 3.

Since Larry will be twice as old as his sister in 3 years, we can write the equation: (x + 8) + 3 = 2(x + 3). Now, solve this equation to find the value of x.

2) Jennifer is 6 years older than Sue. In 4 years, Jennifer will be twice as old as Sue was 5 years ago. Find their ages now.

Let's assume Sue's current age is x. Jennifer's age can be expressed as x + 6. In 4 years, Jennifer's age will be (x + 6) + 4, and Sue's age will be x + 4.

According to the problem, Jennifer will be twice as old as Sue was 5 years ago, so we can write the equation: (x + 6) + 4 = 2(x - 5). Solve this equation to find the value of x.

3) Adam is 5 years younger than Eve. In 1 year, Eve will be three times as old as Adam was 4 years ago. Find their ages now.

Let's assume Adam's current age is x. Eve's age can be expressed as x + 5. In 1 year, Eve's age will be (x + 5) + 1, and Adam's age will be x + 1.

According to the problem, Eve will be three times as old as Adam was 4 years ago, so we can write the equation: (x + 5) + 1 = 3(x - 4). Solve this equation to find the value of x.

4) Jack is twice as old as Jill. In 2 years, Jack will be four times as old as Jill was years ago. How old are they now?

Let's assume Jill's current age is x. Jack's age can be expressed as 2x. In 2 years, Jack's age will be 2x + 2, and Jill's age will be x + 2.

According to the problem, Jack will be four times as old as Jill was years ago, so we can write the equation: 2x + 2 = 4(x - y). Solve this equation to find the value of x.

5) Four years ago, Katie was twice as old as Anne was then. In 6 years, Anne will be the same age that Katie is now. How old is each now?

Let's assume Katie's current age is x. Anne's age can be expressed as (x + 4) / 2. In 6 years, Anne's age will be (x + 4) / 2 + 6, and Katie's age will be x + 6.

According to the problem, Katie was twice as old as Anne was four years ago, so we can write the equation: x + 6 = 2((x + 4) - 4). Solve this equation to find the value of x.

6) Five years ago, Tom was one-third as old as his father was then. In 5 years, Tom will be half as old as his father will be then. Find their ages now.

Let's assume Tom's current age is x. Tom's father's age can be expressed as (3x) + 5. In 5 years, Tom's age will be x + 5, and his father's age will be (3x) + 5 + 5.

According to the problem, Tom was one-third as old as his father was five years ago, so we can write the equation: x + 5 = (1/3)((3x) + 5 - 5). Solve this equation to find the value of x.

7) Barry is 8 years older than Sue. In 4 years, Barry will be twice as old as Sue was 5 years ago. Find their ages now.

Let's assume Sue's current age is x. Barry's age can be expressed as x + 8. In 4 years, Barry's age will be (x + 8) + 4, and Sue's age will be x + 4.

According to the problem, Barry will be twice as old as Sue was 5 years ago, so we can write the equation: (x + 8) + 4 = 2(x - 5). Solve this equation to find the value of x.

Remember, to solve word problems, it's important to carefully read the problem, identify the unknowns, and create equations based on the given information. By solving these equations, you can find the values of the variables and determine the ages of the individuals involved.