log(subscript 2)(0.5)

I know how to convert it into:
0.5 = 2^(y)
but then how do I find y?

1/2 is 2 to the -1 power.

Therefore y = -1

How do you just know this though?

Because for any number a,

a^-1 = 1/a

and because 0.5 = 1/2.

These are things you know already


how would you solve:
2log(subscript6)(4) - (1/3)log(sub6)(8) = log(sub6)(x)

2log(sub6)(4) - (1/3)log(sub6)(8)

= log(sub6)(x)

log(sub6)[4^2 / 8^1/3] = log(sub6)x

log(sub6)[16/2] = log(sub6)8
= log(sub6) x

Therefore x = 8

so the coefficient of a log function are the same as writing it as an exponent of x in the equation: log(subb)x = y ?

therefore, Clog(subb)x = y is the same as log(subb)x^(C) = y ?

What you wrote is true.

Remember that log x^a = a log x, no matter what the log base is, as long as it is the same base on both sides.

However, what I am also saying is that if
Log(suba) x = Log(suba)y, then x = y

no matter what the base a is.

end of lesson

To find the value of y in the equation 0.5 = 2^y, you need to take the logarithm of both sides of the equation. Since the base of the exponent is 2, you would take the logarithm with base 2 of both sides.

Using the logarithmic property log(subscript b)(x^y) = y * log(subscript b)(x), we can rewrite the equation as:

log(subscript 2)(0.5) = y * log(subscript 2)(2)

Since log(subscript b)(b) = 1 for any base b, we know that log(subscript 2)(2) = 1. Therefore, the equation simplifies to:

log(subscript 2)(0.5) = y

Now, to evaluate the logarithm on the left-hand side, you can use a scientific calculator or software that has a logarithm function. Simply input 0.5 as the argument and choose the logarithm function base 2 (log(subscript 2)). The result will be the value of y.