why did Germany grow as an industrial power under otto von bismarck.

Germany grew as an industrial power under Otto von Bismarck due to several key factors:

1. Economic Policies: Bismarck's government implemented various economic policies that promoted industrial expansion. One notable policy was the protection of domestic industries through tariffs and trade regulations, which encouraged the growth of domestic manufacturing. Bismarck also fostered the establishment of cartels and trusts, allowing German industries to consolidate and become more efficient.

2. Infrastructure Development: Bismarck prioritized the development of infrastructure, such as railways, canals, and roads. These improvements facilitated the transportation of goods and raw materials, enabling industries to expand and connect with markets more easily. The efficient transportation infrastructure also reduced production costs and increased competitiveness.

3. Technological Advancements: During Bismarck's era, Germany made significant strides in science and engineering, leading to innovations in various industries. German scientists and engineers invented new machinery, applied scientific principles to manufacturing processes, and improved industrial techniques. These technological advancements helped German industries become more productive and competitive in the global market.

4. Education and Skilled Workforce: Bismarck's government placed great emphasis on education and vocational training, establishing a well-educated and skilled workforce. Technical schools and universities were expanded to provide specialized training for various industries. This focus on education created a pool of talented workers who could contribute to the rapid industrialization of Germany.

5. Political Stability: Bismarck's policies and leadership fostered political stability in Germany. A unified nation under the German Empire, with a strong central government and reduced internal conflicts, created a favorable environment for industrial growth. The stability attracted domestic and foreign investments, allowing industries to flourish.

It's important to note that these factors contributed to Germany's industrial growth under Bismarck, but this explanation summarizes the general reasons. For a more comprehensive understanding, delving into specific economic policies, infrastructure projects, technological advancements, educational reforms, and political structures during that time would provide a more detailed insight.