True or False, Communication can involve language but not speech.

Isn't speech a form of communication?

yeh so i think its true :)

Right. It's true.

Thank you mam :)

hmmmmm!!!!!i hate studys cause the book makes a child's brain damage

False. Communication can involve both language and speech.

Language is a system of communication that uses symbols such as words, sounds, or gestures to convey meaning. Speech, on the other hand, refers specifically to the act of verbally producing sounds and words with the human voice.

While speech is a common form of language expression, there are various other forms of communication that do not involve speech. For instance, written language, sign language, body language, facial expressions, and even nonverbal cues like hand signals or eye contact can be used to communicate.

Therefore, communication can involve language, which encompasses speech, as well as other non-verbal forms of expression.