

To simplify the given expression: ((x-1)/(3x+15))-((x+3)/(5x+25)), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the common denominator for the fractions.
The common denominator for (3x+15) and (5x+25) is 15(x+1).

Step 2: Rewrite each fraction using the common denominator.
Rewriting the expression, we get: ((x-1)(5x+25))/(15(x+1))-((x+3)(3x+15))/(15(x+1)).

Step 3: Simplify the numerators.
Expanding and simplifying the numerators, we have: (5x^2+25x-5x-25)/(15(x+1)) - (3x^2+15x+9x+45)/(15(x+1)).

Step 4: Combine like terms.
Combining like terms within each numerator, we get: (5x^2+20x-25)/(15(x+1)) - (3x^2+24x+45)/(15(x+1)).

Step 5: Combine the fractions.
Combining the two fractions using the common denominator, we obtain: ((5x^2+20x-25)-(3x^2+24x+45))/(15(x+1)).

Step 6: Simplify the numerator.
Simplifying the numerator further, we have: (5x^2+20x-25-3x^2-24x-45)/(15(x+1)).

Step 7: Combine like terms.
Combining like terms within the numerator, we get: (2x^2-4x-70)/(15(x+1)).

Therefore, the simplified form of the given expression is: (2x^2-4x-70)/(15(x+1)).