
I appreciate your expert help,and I have a question for you.

If I'm asked to decribe resting potential, action poential, and synaptic transmission,in point form;would the following responses be right?

Resting Potential:
1.Membrane at resting potential- negative on the inside;positive on the outside.
2.A stimulus triggers opening of a few ion channels,allowing positive ions to enter neuron.
3.More channels open,so more positive ions can rush in, and inside the cell becomes positively charged. Even more channels open,allowing positive ions to rush out. The membrane is returned to the Resting Potential.

Action Potential
1.neurons is at resting potential.

2.A nerve impulse starts an influx of positively charged sodium ions-depolarizing the cell.

3.As sodium spread their charge owards the ion channels,a domino effect is created causing more channels to open up,letting in more sodium ions,propagating depolarization along the length of the neuron.

Synaptic Transmission
1.action potential arrives at synaptic terminal
2.A chemical change is triggered and vesicles of neurotranmitters fuse with the plasma mem. of the sending cell.
3.vesicles burst..neurotransmitters are released into the synapse.
4.Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the recieving neuron
5.The binding opens ion channels..now ions can enter into the receiving neuron. A new action potential is triggered.
6.The neurotransmitter breaks down and is transported back to the sending neuron.

Thanks again. I appreciate your help.

Your responses are generally correct in describing resting potential, action potential, and synaptic transmission. However, I will provide some additional information and clarifications to enhance your understanding.

Resting Potential:
1. The resting potential refers to the stable, negative charge across the neuron's membrane when it is not transmitting signals.
2. A stimulus, such as a change in the environment or a neurotransmitter, can trigger the opening of ion channels, particularly sodium and potassium channels.
3. When ion channels open, positive ions (such as sodium) rush into the neuron, briefly making the inside of the cell more positively charged. This is called depolarization.
4. More ion channels open, allowing positive ions to rush out, which restores the negative charge inside the neuron and returns it to the resting potential.

Action Potential:
1. The action potential is a rapid and temporary change in the electrical potential of a neuron.
2. It starts when the membrane of the neuron is depolarized due to the influx of positively charged sodium ions.
3. The depolarization spreads along the length of the neuron, creating a domino effect, as neighboring ion channels open and more sodium ions enter, further propagating the depolarization.
4. This depolarization wave continues until it reaches the end of the neuron.

Synaptic Transmission:
1. When the action potential reaches the end of the neuron, known as the synaptic terminal, it triggers a series of events in synaptic transmission.
2. The arrival of the action potential causes a chemical change that allows vesicles filled with neurotransmitters to fuse with the plasma membrane of the sending neuron.
3. The bursting of vesicles releases neurotransmitters into the synapse, which is the small gap between the sending and receiving neuron.
4. Neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the receiving neuron's membrane, initiating a response in the receiving neuron.
5. The binding of neurotransmitters opens ion channels, allowing ions to enter the receiving neuron and potentially trigger a new action potential.
6. Eventually, the neurotransmitter is broken down and transported back to the sending neuron or taken up by neighboring cells.

Overall, your responses provide a good overview of these concepts. Just remember that resting potential and action potential are related but distinct from synaptic transmission. Resting potential sets the baseline electrical charge of a neuron, while action potentials are rapid changes in that charge. Synaptic transmission involves the transfer of information between neurons through neurotransmitters.