how can you put these numbers in order from least to greatest?


Find the common denominator and change them to equivalent fractions.




0.2 , 0.25 ,0.3

1/5 , 0.25 ,3/10

To put these numbers in order from least to greatest, we need to compare their values. Let's break it down step by step:

1. 0.25 is a decimal number. It can be written as a fraction by placing it over 100. So, 0.25 is equivalent to 25/100.

2. Now, let's convert the other two numbers to fractions as well. "1/5" is already in fraction form, so we can leave it as it is. "Three-tenths" can be written as 3/10.

3. Next, let's compare the fractions. To compare fractions, we can either find a common denominator or convert them into decimals. In this case, let's convert them into decimals.

- 25/100 is equal to 0.25 (as we determined earlier)
- 1/5 is equal to 0.2 (divide 1 by 5)
- 3/10 is equal to 0.3 (divide 3 by 10)

4. Now that we have converted all the numbers to decimals, we can order them from least to greatest:

- 0.2 (1/5)
- 0.25
- 0.3 (three-tenths)

Therefore, from least to greatest, the numbers are 0.2 (1/5), 0.25, and 0.3 (three-tenths).