I recently wrote an essay in English class and when I got it bcak I noticed that some of the words have agr or agr. over them. For example, most of them are over the words: their and they. I know it sounds confusikng, but if anyone can help, please do so. Thanks.

By using, "agr," your teacher is probably means "agreement." In this case, there are probably errors in pronoun/antecedent agreement. Since both "their" and "they" are plural, their antecedents must also be plural.

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It seems that the marks "agr" or "agr." written over some words in your essay indicate a need for revision or correction. "Agr" or "agr." is short for "agreement," which usually refers to subject-verb agreement in English grammar. Subject-verb agreement means that the form of the verb used in a sentence should match or agree with the subject of that sentence in terms of person and number.

In your case, the marks might suggest that there is an issue with the agreement between the subject and the verb in sentences where the words "their" and "they" are involved. To address this, you can follow a few steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence: Look for the word or phrase that the verb is describing or referring to. In sentences with "their" and "they," the subject is usually "they" or another word referring to a plural noun.

2. Determine the appropriate verb form: Ensure that the verb used matches the subject in terms of person and number. For example, if the subject is "they," use a plural form of the verb.

3. Make the necessary edits: Revise the sentences by correcting the verbs or changing them to agree with the subject. For instance, if the sentence said, "They is going to the store," it should be edited to say, "They are going to the store."

By carefully reviewing the sentences and ensuring agreement between the subject and the verb, you can address the issue indicated by the "agr" or "agr." marks. This will help improve the grammatical accuracy of your essay. If you are uncertain about specific sentences or need further assistance, it's always a good idea to consult your teacher for clarification.