Barney works part- time 30 hours a week at the cinema and earns $6 per hour. If he savea 1/3 of his paycheck each week how much does he have left to speed after 4 weeks?

30 * 6 = 180

(1/3) * 180 = 60 saved / week

180 - 60 = 120 to spend / week

120 * 4 = ?

To calculate how much Barney earns in a week, multiply the number of hours he works by his hourly wage:

Earnings per week = 30 hours/week * $6/hour
Earnings per week = $180

Next, to figure out how much he saves each week, multiply his earnings by the fraction representing the portion he saves:

Savings per week = 1/3 * $180
Savings per week = $60

After 4 weeks, multiply Barney's weekly savings by the number of weeks:

Total savings after 4 weeks = $60/week * 4 weeks
Total savings after 4 weeks = $240

Thus, Barney will have $240 left to spend after 4 weeks.