For many people, the image that comes to mind when they hear, the word slavery is the Transatlantic Slave Trade. I thought of the buying and selling of people, their shipment from one continent to another and the abolition of the trade in the early 1800s. But even if one knew nothing about the slave trade, it is something one thinks of as part of our history rather than our present. Yet the reality is, slavery continues today. After reading Francis Bok "Escape From Slavery: The True Story of My Ten Years in Captivity – and My Journey to Freedom in America," I realized slavery is not ancient history. Slavery is still an issue all over the world. This book is so descriptive that it made me care about the issue, and it made me want to do something to help. This book not only informed me about this issue but it also helped me as a person. It made me want to help others and a stronger person.

In Sudan, Africa's biggest country, chattel slavery is making a comeback, Arab militias, armed by the government, has been raiding African villages, shooting the men and enslaving the women and children. These people are kept as personal property or taken north and sold. This was the case of Francis Bok. In his autobiography Francis Bok told the story of his life and how they captured him in a raid at the age of seven. An Arab family enslaved him for ten years and Bok escaped in 1996, only to be enslaved by local police officers for two months. An Arab truck driver helped him flee to Khartoum, where security forces arrested and jailed him for seven months. He fled to Cairo when he was released, and in 1999 the United Nations helped him move to North Dakota. Bok has since addressed many members of Congress about the enslaved Sudanese people. He was the first escaped slave to testify before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 2000. Now He works for an anti-slavery group. He said, “ I will not rest until I see my people free.”
Finding this out made me realize that slavery was probably not only an issue in Sudan but all around the world. Contrary to popular belief, slavery did not end with Abraham Lincoln in 1865. Experts estimate that today there are still twenty-seven million people enslaved around the world. It is happening in all six inhabited continents, which includes the United States. The CIA estimates 14,500 to 17,000 victims are trafficked into the "Land of the Free" every year.
This book made me view the world differently. It made me realize that people have not learned from the mistakes of the past. People are still enslaving others and that is not right. Something must be done. The only way things will change is if people do something about. Everyone deserves to be free. This book encouraged me to help others. If Bok did something to help his people why can’t I do something to help my community. That is why I joined the Young Senators program to help my community to change it. The book also made me realize that I should never give up and always keep trying because some how some way things will change. However, they only change if one keeps on trying. If this man was once a slave, escaped and now he is an important abolitionist then why can something one believes in also happen. It makes me a stronger person. This book has made me keep trying when things get tough I just think of Francis Bok and I know I can do anything.

Powerful writing. You did Bok justice; his book and lectures are moving.

Sometime in the morning someone will check grammar and structure for you.

Dan or Stef or whoever,


It is evident that reading Francis Bok's autobiography, "Escape From Slavery: The True Story of My Ten Years in Captivity – and My Journey to Freedom in America," had a profound impact on you. The book shed light on the fact that slavery is not just a thing of the past, but a present-day issue around the world. Specifically, you learned about the resurgence of chattel slavery in Sudan, where Arab militias, supported by the government, raid African villages, kill men, and enslave women and children. Bok himself was captured at the age of seven and enslaved for ten years before finally escaping.

Bok's harrowing tale inspired you to take action and help in any way you can. His story of resilience and determination made you realize that you too can make a difference. After escaping, Bok went on to work for an anti-slavery group and has since addressed members of Congress about the enslaved Sudanese people. His commitment to the cause and his unwavering determination to see his people free left a lasting impression on you.

Furthermore, reading this book opened your eyes to the reality that modern-day slavery exists not just in Sudan but all over the world. Despite the popular belief that slavery ended long ago, experts estimate that there are still around twenty-seven million people enslaved globally. Even in the United States, an estimated 14,500 to 17,000 people are trafficked every year.

Learning about these atrocities made you view the world differently and made you realize the importance of taking action. It fueled your desire to help your own community, leading you to join the Young Senators program. Bok's story exemplified the power of never giving up, and it motivated you to keep trying and striving for change, no matter how tough the circumstances may be. You draw strength from Bok's journey and the realization that if he, once a slave, could become an influential abolitionist, then you too can make an impact. This book has made you a stronger person, instilling in you the belief that you can overcome any obstacles that come your way.

In conclusion, "Escape From Slavery" illuminated the ongoing issue of slavery in the world and inspired you to take action, help others, and remain resilient in your own endeavors. The book's impact on you has led you to join the fight against slavery and serve as an advocate for change in your community.

It is indeed true that slavery is not a thing of the past and still persists in various parts of the world, including Sudan, as described in Francis Bok's autobiography "Escape From Slavery: The True Story of My Ten Years in Captivity – and My Journey to Freedom in America." Bok's story highlights the ongoing issue of chattel slavery, where Arab militias, backed by the Sudanese government, raid African villages, capturing and enslaving men, women, and children.

To learn more about this issue, one can start by reading books like Francis Bok's autobiography, which provide firsthand accounts and raise awareness about contemporary slavery. Additionally, there are various organizations and initiatives dedicated to combating modern-day slavery, such as anti-slavery groups, NGOs, and governmental bodies. By getting involved with these organizations, supporting their efforts, and spreading awareness about the issue, one can contribute to the fight against slavery.

It is important to recognize that slavery is not limited to Sudan but is a global problem. According to estimates by experts, there are still around 27 million people enslaved worldwide. This modern slavery exists on all continents, including the United States, where the CIA estimates that thousands of victims are trafficked each year.

By becoming informed about the current state of slavery and its prevalence globally, one can better understand the urgency to take action. This understanding can help foster a sense of empathy and a desire to bring about change. Joining local programs or initiatives, like the Young Senators program, can be a way to contribute to one's community and work towards making a difference.

The personal impact of reading about Francis Bok's experiences and his journey to freedom can be transformative. It can inspire individuals to become more resilient and determined in the face of challenges. Seeing the strength and bravery of someone who went from being enslaved to becoming an important abolitionist can serve as a powerful reminder that change is possible and that one can make a difference in their own way.

In conclusion, the book "Escape From Slavery" by Francis Bok sheds light on the ongoing issue of modern slavery and its persistence in different parts of the world, including Sudan. Reading such books, becoming informed about the issue, and getting involved in relevant organizations are steps one can take to address this problem. Furthermore, stories like Bok's can inspire individuals to be resilient and determined in their own pursuits, fostering a sense of personal growth and a desire to contribute to their communities.