select the best synonym of the word satiate. a)empty b)fill c)deny d)deprive............please help.

To select the best synonym for the word "satiate," we can break down the meaning of the word.

The word "satiate" means to satisfy or fulfill completely, often referring to the feeling of being fully satisfied after consuming food or drink.

Now, let's examine the options provided:

a) "Empty" is the opposite of "satiate" as it means to have no contents or to remove something from a container. So, it is not a synonym.

b) "Fill" can be a synonym because "satiate" implies filling something fully or satisfying a desire completely.

c) "Deny" means to refuse or withhold something, which is the opposite of "satiate."

d) "Deprive" means to take away or keep someone or something from having something, which is also the opposite of "satiate."

Based on these explanations, the best synonym for "satiate" is "b) fill" because it aligns with the idea of satisfying or fulfilling completely.