the latin base CORD- means: a)hand b)eye c)heart d)head thank you so much for helping.

The Latin base CORD- means "heart." To arrive at this answer, you can break down the word CORD- and consider its context within Latin and English words.

To start, familiarize yourself with Latin roots and their meanings. In this case, the root CORD- comes from the Latin word "cor," which indeed translates to "heart." Latin roots often form the basis of many English words, helping us understand their meanings.

Next, consider the given options - hand, eye, heart, and head. By cross-referencing each option with the knowledge of Latin roots, you can eliminate options that don't align with the meaning of CORD-.

For example, the Latin base "manus" translates to "hand," which rules out option a) hand. Similarly, the Latin base "oculus" translates to "eye," eliminating option b) eye. The Latin base "caput" translates to "head," eliminating option d) head.

This process leaves us with only one option remaining, c) heart. By understanding the Latin root CORD- and considering the meanings of other Latin roots, we can deduce that its meaning corresponds to option c) heart.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) heart.