The football is kicked over the goalpost with an initial velocity of vA=32 m/s as shown. Determine the point B (x,y) where it strikes the bleachers.

type this question to google to find the figure. please and thank you.

In the figure you refer to, the ball is kicked at a 60 degree angle from horizontal. See the following where the Figure is part of Problem 4.

What you need to do is solve simultaneous equations for the bleacher stairs linear slope and the trajectory of the football.

Bleacher stairs:

(1) x = 22 + y (x > 22m)

y = 27.7 t - 4.9 t^2
x = 16 t

You can eliminate t to get the parabola equation for the trajectory:
(2) y = 1.73 x - 0.0191 x^2

x is the horizontal distance travelled by the football.

Solve (1) and (2) to get x and y where the ball hits the bleachers. You should also verify that the ball clears the goal post.

thank you so much! <3


To find the figure corresponding to the question, you can search for it on Google by typing the following keywords: "football kicked over goalpost diagram." This will help you find the figure that illustrates the scenario you described.