Compare and Contrast the main characters in the novel:"" by Vladimir Nabokov

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It's actually a venn diagram and i read the book but it was so long ago. so please help?



much appreciate it :)

To compare and contrast the main characters in the novel "" by Vladimir Nabokov, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the novel: Begin by reading the novel "" by Vladimir Nabokov. This step is essential to gain a thorough understanding of the characters and their personalities.

2. Identify the main characters: In "," the two main characters are Humbert Humbert and Dolores Haze, also known as . Make a list of their distinctive traits, actions, and relationships to analyze their similarities and differences.

3. Analyze their physical traits: Examine the physical descriptions of Humbert Humbert and in the novel. Look for differences in their age, appearance, and physical attributes. Consider how their physical appearances contribute to their characterizations and the way they interact with each other.

4. Explore their personalities: Evaluate the personalities of Humbert Humbert and . Look at their interests, attitudes, behaviors, and moral compass. Compare their personalities in terms of their actions, motivations, and growth throughout the story.

5. Examine their relationships: Consider the dynamics of the relationship between Humbert Humbert and . Look for similarities and differences in their interactions, emotions, and power dynamics. Analyze the effects their relationship has on each other's lives and characters.

6. Analyze their roles in the story: Consider the roles Humbert Humbert and play in the overall plot of the novel. Look at their contributions to the narrative, the conflicts they face, and their impact on other characters. Evaluate how the novel portrays each character's journey and evolution.

7. Highlight similarities: Identify any similarities between Humbert Humbert and . This could include shared experiences, similar personality traits, or common struggles. Explain how these similarities affect their relationship or contribute to the novel's themes or motifs.

8. Discuss differences: Point out the differences between Humbert Humbert and . These differences could be related to their age, perspectives, backgrounds, or moral choices. Analyze how these differences create tension or thematic contrasts within the novel.

9. Consider author's intent: Finally, consider Vladimir Nabokov's intention in creating these contrasting characters. Explore the themes and ideas the author wants to convey through their interactions and portrayals. Think about how these characters add depth to the novel's exploration of controversial topics such as obsession, desire, and manipulation.

By following these steps, you will be able to compare and contrast the main characters, Humbert Humbert and , in the novel "" by Vladimir Nabokov.