the equation y=1777x+27,153 can be used to predict the number Y of gun deaths in the US X years after 2000, that is x=0 corresponds to 2000, x=3 corresponds to 2003, x=4 corresponds to 2004, and so on. Predict the number of gun deaths in 2004 and 2009, In what year will the number of gun deaths be 7606?

What happened? You said your last post was your last one.

I know but I missed this one

To predict the number of gun deaths in a specific year using the given equation, you need to substitute the value of x, which represents the number of years after 2000, into the equation y = 1777x + 27,153.

1. To find the number of gun deaths in 2004 (x = 4), substitute x = 4 into the equation:
y = 1777(4) + 27,153
y = 7108 + 27,153
y = 34,261
Therefore, the predicted number of gun deaths in 2004 is 34,261.

2. To find the number of gun deaths in 2009 (x = 9), substitute x = 9 into the equation:
y = 1777(9) + 27,153
y = 15,993 + 27,153
y = 43,146
Therefore, the predicted number of gun deaths in 2009 is 43,146.

3. To find the year when the number of gun deaths will be 7606, we can rearrange the equation and solve for x:
y = 1777x + 27,153
7606 = 1777x + 27,153
1777x = 7606 - 27,153
1777x = -19,547
x = -19,547 / 1777
x ≈ -11
Since x represents the number of years after 2000, -11 represents the year 1989. Therefore, the number of gun deaths is predicted to reach 7606 in the year 1989.

Please note that these predictions are based on the given linear equation, and they may not necessarily reflect the actual number of gun deaths.