Would you please help with this question? (These questions that asks

which is "NOT" really confuse me)!!

Which one of the following is usually
an effective way to stop disruptive
behavior that is NOT harmful to the child or others?

A) Remove the child from the group
immediately,but calmly and without
anger,for at least 30 minutes.

B) Place the child directly in time-out
for 15 minutes.

C) Ask the child to stop the behavior
at least three times before taking
definitive action.

D) Issue a firm but gentle warning,
using direct contact at the
child's level,the child's name,
and appropriate touch.

This is what my text states:

Essa and Miller(2003)agree that ignoring the behavior is generally an
effective policy when it is simply annoying or mildly distracting.
Because the child does not receive the attention he is seeking,there is no
longer any need to continue the behavior. Sometimes the child's
focus can be redirected elesewhere;
for instance, a child making noise stamping his feet can be asked to demonstrate tiptoeing or other substitutes for the stamping.
Essa and Miller believe,however, when
the disruptive behavior is harmful to the child or others,it must be stopped immediately. Sometimes a single warning,issued firmly but gently,is
enough to end the behavior.
Miller(2003)suggests undivided attention involving eye contact,
a body position at the child's level,appropriate touch,and use of the child's name:"A half-hour of nagging
and threating from across the room will
not have the impact of one quiet statement made eye-to-eye,usng the child's name." If,after such warning,
the harmful behavior continues,the child should be removed from the group,
(calmly and without anger)to allow for
a cooling-off period(for the child and
teacher). Philosophies regarding time-out specifics vary. Graham, Holt-Hale,
and Parker(1993)suggest the time out last until the child comes to you and
explains why he was asked to sit out;
Gallahue(993)suggests questioning the child about the reason for the isolation and how it can be prevented
in the future.
Essa(2003),on the other hand contends the child knows the reason and no furtherdiscussion is necessary.
Graham(1993)also reccomend time-out for the remainder of the class,should the child misbehave again,but French,Silliman,and Henderson(1990) feel exclusion for longer than five minutes is less effective than shorter periods.(Also,be aware some children will be disruptive to get out of class;thus,time-out gives them exactly what they wanted.) How you handle time-out has to be a personal choice.
Experts generally agree,however,once a child is asked to sit out,she should be ignored. Also,time-out must be used sparingly,or it becomes an ineffective
management technique.

I am thinking (A) would be the best answer. But not sure,because I am
very confused with these questions that ask "which is NOT."

Please help!!!

This question asks which action will NOT harm the child.

A) is definitely wrong because a young child should never be put in time out for more than 5 minutes. A time out of 30 minutes would be a cruel punishment and probably couldn't be enforced anyway.

Your text states:
"when the disruptive behavior is harmful to the child or others,it must be stopped immediately. Sometimes a single warning,issued firmly but gently,is enough to end the behavior.
Miller(2003)suggests undivided attention involving eye contact,
a body position at the child's level,appropriate touch,and use of the child's name:"

Which of your choices suggests this approach -- as an effective way of stopping the disruptive behavior without harming the child?

I say the answer is A. I am Nic's mom and both of my children have been in classes where special needs children were mainstreamed with nonspecial needs children and the teachers always removed the disruptive child.

If I am understanding correctly,

would "D" be the correct answer?

Yes, D is the correct answer. :-)

are u there?

I'm sure that the special needs children who were removed were taken by a paraprofessional or another teacher to another area where they would not disrupt the class. This is not considered a timeout.

Based on the information provided in the text, the best answer to the question is B) Place the child directly in time-out for 15 minutes.

The text states that when disruptive behavior is not harmful but simply annoying or mildly distracting, ignoring the behavior is usually an effective policy. By ignoring the behavior, the child does not receive the attention they are seeking, and the behavior is not reinforced. Redirecting the child's focus elsewhere can also be helpful, for example by asking them to demonstrate substitutes for the disruptive behavior.

However, when the disruptive behavior is harmful to the child or others, it must be stopped immediately. In such cases, a single warning issued firmly but gently can be enough to end the behavior. If the harmful behavior continues after the warning, the child should be removed from the group calmly and without anger to allow for a cooling-off period.

Option A states to remove the child from the group immediately, which aligns with the text's advice for stopping harmful behavior. Therefore, it is not the correct answer to the question.

Option B, placing the child directly in time-out for 15 minutes, is different from the text's suggestion of a cooling-off period. Time-out is a disciplinary technique that involves removing the child from the group and having them sit alone for a designated period of time. This option aligns with the text's advice for dealing with disruptive behavior that is not harmful, and it is the best answer to the question.

Option C suggests asking the child to stop the behavior at least three times before taking definitive action. However, the text does not mention a specific number of times to ask the child to stop. It emphasizes the effectiveness of a single warning.

Option D suggests issuing a firm but gentle warning using direct contact at the child's level, the child's name, and appropriate touch. While this option aligns with the text's advice for stopping harmful behavior, it does not address disruptive behavior that is not harmful.

Remember, when answering a question that asks "which is NOT," it is important to carefully read and understand each option and consider how it aligns with the information provided in the text. In this case, option B is the best answer because it addresses disruptive behavior that is not harmful and is not the approach suggested in the text.