I've made the suggest revisions, as well as change and added somethings. Could you please check if I have fragments, pronoun agreements, run ons, and if I restated my thesis in my conclusion. Thanks!

How Much Is Too Much?

To check for fragments, pronoun agreements, run-ons, and the restatement of your thesis in your conclusion, you need to carefully analyze your writing. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Fragments: Evaluate each sentence in your writing to ensure that it is a complete thought. A sentence should have a subject, a verb, and express a complete idea. Look out for sentences that are missing one of these components and revise them to make them grammatically correct.

2. Pronoun agreements: Check if the pronouns used in your writing agree with the noun they are referring to. For example, if you use a singular noun, ensure that you use singular pronouns such as "he," "she," or "it." Similarly, if the noun is plural, use plural pronouns like "they" or "we."

3. Run-ons: Examine your writing to identify overly long sentences that could potentially be run-ons. A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are not properly connected or punctuated. Break down lengthy sentences into shorter ones or use appropriate punctuation, such as commas or semicolons, to separate the clauses effectively.

4. Restating the thesis: Read your conclusion and compare it to your thesis statement. Your conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a concise and relevant manner. Check if your conclusion effectively reflects the primary argument or idea presented in your thesis statement.

By conducting this comprehensive review of your writing, you will be able to identify any fragments, pronoun errors, run-on sentences, and assess the restatement of your thesis in your conclusion.