According to Erikson, the stage of intimacy versus isolation:

a. Is followed by the search for identity
b. Is characterized by a need for generativity
c. Involves the need to share one’s personal life with someone else
d. Occurs only if one avoids stagnation

Erikson believes that a healthy intimacy in marriage is more likely to emerge when:
a. Neither partner has yet established a sense of identity.
b. Both partners have established a sense of identity
c. One partner has established a sense of identity and the other fits in
d. The couple has several children

Christi is correct. The answer is C, as I just took my test and got the answer wrong. The teacher corrected it, and indeed it is not a, it is C!

The answer to #1 is C. The need to share ones' personal life.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

I agree with your second answer, but not your first. Check this article.

According to Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, the stage of intimacy versus isolation occurs during young adulthood, typically between the ages of 18 and 40. This stage is all about forming close, intimate relationships with others. Now, let's go through the options:

a. Is followed by the search for identity: This statement is incorrect. The stage of intimacy versus isolation is actually preceded by the stage of identity versus role confusion, where individuals explore their sense of self and establish a clear identity.

b. Is characterized by a need for generativity: This statement is also incorrect. Generativity is a stage that comes later in Erikson's theory, during middle adulthood (around the ages of 40 to 65).

c. Involves the need to share one's personal life with someone else: This statement correctly captures the essence of the intimacy versus isolation stage. During this stage, individuals strive to foster deep emotional connections and establish intimate relationships.

d. Occurs only if one avoids stagnation: This statement is incorrect. Stagnation is a concept related to the next stage of Erikson's theory, which occurs during middle adulthood.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. Involves the need to share one's personal life with someone else.

Moving on to the second question:

Erikson believes that a healthy intimacy in marriage is more likely to emerge when:

a. Neither partner has yet established a sense of identity: This statement is incorrect. Erikson suggests that a healthy intimate relationship is more likely to occur when both individuals have already developed a clear sense of identity.

b. Both partners have established a sense of identity: This statement is correct. Erikson posits that individuals are better equipped to form healthy, intimate relationships when they have a solid understanding of themselves and their own identities.

c. One partner has established a sense of identity and the other fits in: This statement is incorrect. According to Erikson, it is important for both partners to have established their own identities rather than one fitting into the identity of the other.

d. The couple has several children: This statement is incorrect. Having children does not directly determine the likelihood of a healthy intimate relationship, according to Erikson. It is the establishment of individual identity that plays a more significant role.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. Both partners have established a sense of identity.

Sorry. I posted them and I don't know why it didn't show up but here they are again!

#1. b

#2. b

Thank you!