Compare various types of Realistic writing. Consider the "West" in the works of Twain, Harte, Red Cloud, and Hopkins. How do they see it differently and similarly? How do they see its potential in terms of the "American Dream"?

To compare the various types of realistic writing by Twain, Harte, Red Cloud, and Hopkins, and examine their perspectives on the "West" and its potential in terms of the "American Dream," we can start by reading their works and analyzing their themes and perspectives. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Read the works of each author: Begin by reading works by Mark Twain, Bret Harte, Red Cloud, and Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins. Pay attention to their portrayals of the "West" and the themes they explore.

2. Identify similar and different perspectives: As you read, analyze how each author's portrayal of the "West" differs or aligns with the others. Look for common themes, settings, and characterizations. Take note of any contrasting viewpoints or unique perspectives.

3. Consider the authors' backgrounds and experiences: Research the biographical information of the authors to understand their backgrounds and experiences. This can provide insights into their perspectives on the "West" and the American Dream. Consider how their personal experiences might have influenced their writing.

4. Identify themes and symbols: Look for recurring themes and symbols in the works. Do the authors explore similar ideas regarding the "West"? How do they view its potential and role in achieving the American Dream? Look for evidence in their writing to support your analysis.

5. Analyze the views on the "American Dream": Consider each author's perspective on the "American Dream" as depicted in their works set in the West. Do they portray it as attainable for everyone, or do they critique its limitations and exclusions? Look for evidence of their views on individualism, wealth, success, and social mobility.

6. Compare and contrast: Compile your findings and compare the authors' perspectives. Analyze their similarities and differences in terms of their portrayal of the West and its potential in relation to the American Dream. Consider the themes, symbols, and characterizations they employ to convey their messages.

By following these steps and conducting close analysis of the works of Twain, Harte, Red Cloud, and Hopkins, you'll be able to identify their viewpoints on the "West" and its relationship to the American Dream. Remember to back up your analysis with evidence from their writings to build a comprehensive comparison.