
x = (x^2/3)^2/3 = (125)^2/3
x = 125^.6666
x = 24.9

4 - x/x-2 = -2/x-2
4(x-2)-(x-2)(x/x-2) = (-2/x-2)(x-2)

What is your question?

Oh sorry I just wanted to make sure I did them correctly.

For the first one, x^(2/3) is not an equation, so it's not possible to solve for x.

Your answer for the second one is correct.

To solve the equation 4 - x/(x-2) = -2/(x-2), we can follow these steps:

1. Start by multiplying both sides of the equation by (x-2) to eliminate the denominators:
(x-2)(4) - x = -2

2. Simplify the equation:
4x - 8 - x = -2

3. Combine like terms on the left side of the equation:
3x - 8 = -2

4. Add 8 to both sides of the equation:
3x = 6

5. Divide both sides of the equation by 3:
x = 2

So, the solution to the equation is x = 2.