Chords AC and BD intersect at the center of circle ABCD. If the length of CP = 8, which is the length of PB?

Chords passing through the center must be diameters. If P is the center point, AP, CP, BP (which is PB) and DP are all the same. (8)

Chords AC and BD intersect at the center of circle ABCD. If the length of CP = 8, which is the length of PB?

To find the length of PB, we need to use the property of chords that intersect at the center of a circle.

In a circle, when two chords intersect at the center, they divide each other into two equal parts. This means that the length of AC is equal to the length of BD.

Let's denote the length of PB as "x". Since AC and BD intersect at the center, we can write the equation:

8 + x = x

Simplifying the equation, we get:

8 = 0

This equation is not solvable, which means there is no valid length for PB that satisfies the given conditions.

Therefore, we cannot determine the length of PB based on the information provided in the question.