
I'm working on a math assignment...
My teacher wants me to find rainfall data and then work out the volume of water that would fall on a roof. I've already worked out the roof area but the roof is made up of multiple squares.

The teacher would like me to detail how I'm going to do this, then do it and then display my data in a graph and table.

I vaugely (but not totally) understand how to work out the rainfall volume in m3 but I don't know how to use the data I've collected to do this (I have collected 13months worth to make it more reliable)

Could somebody step me through what I need to do and explain how to align my 13months of data with my task. Also how to tie in the graph and table?

Thanks soooo much

It is not clear what your "task" is.

Volume of rainfall is the area it falls on, times the "height" of the fall. Rainfall x area gives volume.

Graphs? Graphs tell a story, what do you want to tell?

Hi Sasha!

I'd be happy to help you through this math assignment. Let's break down the steps to calculate the volume of water that would fall on the roof and how to use your collected rainfall data.

Step 1: Calculate the area of each square of your roof.
Since your roof is made up of multiple squares, you need to calculate the area of each square separately. This can be done by multiplying the length and width of each square.

Step 2: Calculate the total area of your roof.
To determine the total roof area, add up the areas of all the individual squares.

Step 3: Calculate the volume of water for each month.
To find the volume of water that falls on your roof for each month, multiply the total roof area by the amount of rainfall for that month. The rainfall data you collected for the 13 months will be used here.

Step 4: Sum up the volume of water for all 13 months.
Add up the volumes of water for each month to find the total volume of water that would fall on the roof over the 13-month period.

Step 5: Create a graph and table.
To display your data, you can create a graph and table that show the rainfall volume for each month. In the graph, the x-axis can represent the months, while the y-axis can represent the volume of water. The table can present the same information in a tabular form, with one column for the month and another column for the volume.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how you can align your data and create the graph and table:

1. Organize your rainfall data: Create a table with two columns, one for the month and another for the rainfall volume.
2. Fill in the table: Enter the data you have collected for each month in the respective rows.
3. Calculate the volume for each month: Multiply the roof area by the rainfall volume for each month and enter the results in another column of the table.
4. Sum up the volumes: Calculate the total volume by summing up the volumes for all 13 months and add this information to the table.
5. Create a graph: Plot a line graph using the month on the x-axis and the rainfall volume on the y-axis. You can use graphing software or tools like Microsoft Excel to create the graph.
6. Label the graph: Make sure to include appropriate labels for the x-axis, y-axis, and title.
7. Create a table: Use the data from your table to create a formatted table with columns for the month, rainfall volume, and cumulative volume.

Remember to include units (such as m3 or mm) in the graph and table to indicate the measurement of the rainfall volume.

I hope this explanation helps! Good luck with your math assignment, and feel free to ask if you have any further questions.