ricky wrote the following to show that his sisters age is 6years less than 3times his age. Explain what he did wrong . Give the correct expression. Let (a)stand for my age ,my sisters age: a/3-6


look at that. What did he do wrong?

Ricky's mistake lies in the expression he wrote. The correct expression to show that his sister's age is 6 years less than three times his age should be: 3a - 6.

Let me explain how Ricky arrived at his incorrect expression and how we can correct it.

Ricky correctly identified that he needs to use a variable to represent his age and his sister's age. He assigned the variable (a) to represent his age.

Next, Ricky attempted to express his sister's age in relation to his age. However, his mistake was in the subtraction part of the expression. Instead of subtracting 6 from the result of (a/3), he subtracted 6 from the entire expression.

The correct expression should be 3a - 6. Here's how we arrive at it:

First, we know that "3 times his age" can be represented as 3a.

Then, to indicate that his sister's age is 6 years less than three times his age, we subtract 6 from that expression: 3a - 6.

Therefore, to correctly represent Ricky's sister's age as 6 years less than three times his age, we use the expression 3a - 6.