Which was a major contributing factor in Woodrow Wilson’s winning the presidency in 1912?

Essentially Wilson's election was due to a split in the Republican Party. After the Republicans didn't nominate Theodore Roosevelt, he formed a third party and took second place after Wilson.


A major contributing factor in Woodrow Wilson's winning the presidency in 1912 was the split in the Republican Party. To understand this, let me explain how you can get the answer.

1. Historical context: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the historical context surrounding the 1912 presidential election. This will help you understand the factors at play during that period. In 1912, the Republican Party was in a state of division between two factions: the progressive wing, led by Theodore Roosevelt, and the conservative wing, represented by William Howard Taft.

2. Political parties and their candidates: Identify the candidates and the parties involved in the election. Woodrow Wilson was the nominee for the Democratic Party, while the Republican Party had two candidates: William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt initially sought the Republican nomination but formed his own party, known as the Progressive Party or the Bull Moose Party, when he failed to secure it.

3. Impact of split: Understand the impact of the Republican Party split. The division between Roosevelt and Taft weakened the Republican vote as it was split between these two candidates. This created an advantage for Woodrow Wilson, allowing him to secure the presidency with a lesser competition from a divided opposition.

4. Campaign strategies and appeal: Consider Woodrow Wilson's campaign strategies and charismatic appeal. Wilson was a skillful campaigner who effectively articulated a progressive Democratic platform, focusing on issues such as antitrust legislation, lower tariffs, and financial reforms. His message resonated with voters who were tired of political division and sought a more progressive approach.

5. Election results: Analyze the election results to verify the impact of the Republican split. Woodrow Wilson won the presidency with a significant electoral college victory, securing 435 electoral votes against Roosevelt's 88 and Taft's 8. This outcome reinforces the notion that the Republican Party division played a significant role in Wilson's victory.

By considering these factors and examining the historical context surrounding the 1912 election, it becomes clear that the split in the Republican Party was a major contributing factor in Woodrow Wilson's winning the presidency.