How does shelly keep mystery and terror along with supernatural elements in chapters 8-10

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To understand how Mary Shelley keeps mystery, terror, and supernatural elements in chapters 8-10 of her novel, "Frankenstein," we need to examine several key elements in these chapters:

1. Setting: Shelley uses vivid descriptions of the natural surroundings to create an eerie atmosphere. The isolated and desolate landscape of the Swiss Alps, particularly during Victor Frankenstein's pursuit of the creature, adds to the sense of mystery and terror.

2. Narrative Structure: The chapters are presented through multiple perspectives and narratives. Shelley alternates between Victor Frankenstein's firsthand account and the creature's own story, which adds depth and complexity to the mystery. By presenting different viewpoints, Shelley enhances the suspense and keeps readers guessing about the motives and actions of the characters.

3. Gothic Elements: Shelley employs various gothic elements throughout these chapters. Gothic literature often features supernatural occurrences and a sense of impending doom. In "Frankenstein," the creature's superhuman abilities, such as his ability to scale cliffs and his resilience to harsh conditions, contribute to the supernatural elements. Additionally, the creature's ability to disappear and reappear at will adds to the mystery and unease.

4. Symbolism: Shelley uses symbolism to heighten the supernatural and mysterious atmosphere. For example, she incorporates elements of light and darkness to contrast good and evil. When the creature approaches Victor in the mountains, it is described as appearing within "a radiant form." This juxtaposition of light and shadow creates an eerie aura around the creature and adds to the sense of the supernatural.

By combining these elements, Shelley effectively maintains a balance of mystery, terror, and the supernatural in chapters 8-10 of "Frankenstein." The combination of setting, narrative structure, gothic elements, and symbolism work together to create an atmosphere that keeps readers engaged and intrigued.