Sally makes an ice cream sundae. She can choose from vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry ice cream, fudge or caramel topping, and sprinkles or nuts. Write an expression to show how to find all the different combinations.

I'm not sure how to do this. Any help would be appreciated.

Pythagorean theorem

To find all the different combinations, we need to multiply the number of choices for each category. In this case, we have 3 choices for the ice cream flavor (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry), 2 choices for the topping (fudge, caramel), and 2 choices for the toppings (sprinkles, nuts).

To calculate the total number of combinations, we multiply the number of choices for each category together. The expression would be:

3 (choices for ice cream flavor) * 2 (choices for topping) * 2 (choices for sprinkles or nuts)

Therefore, the expression to find all the different combinations is:

3 * 2 * 2 = 12

Sally can create a total of 12 different combinations for her ice cream sundae.