larry has 3 children. the product of their ages is 36 and the sum of their ages wont help you. the youngest is blonde. how old are the children?

this is a "fun" math activity? help!! :)

1, 2, 18

2, 3, 6

4 3 3

To solve this problem, we need to find three numbers whose product is 36 and determine their ages. We also know that the youngest child is blonde. Let's break down the steps:

1. Find the prime factorization of 36: The prime factors of 36 are 2, 2, 3, and 3. Therefore, the possible combination of the ages could be 2, 2, and 9 or 2, 3, and 6.

2. Determine the ages: As given, the youngest child is blonde. Therefore, the ages would be 2, 2, and 9. We can confirm that the product of these numbers is indeed 36 (2 * 2 * 9 = 36).

So, Larry's children are 2, 2, and 9 years old.